Cute kinky curly doll


Well-Known Member
My best friend has a one year old little girl so I was on the lookout for a good doll for her that had kinky curly hair. I found this doll in a local store that has a lot of nice and unique toys. She's so cute. Her hair is not completely silky like the dolls I grew up with, but it's soft. Her body is also cloth so it's nice for a younger child. I'm so excited. Here's the company if anyone's interested. For some reason she looks horrible on the website though.



Oh my gosh; thank you so much for posting this. I have been looking for a doll like this for my little girl. That doll is adorable. Thank you, thank you, thank you :grin:
How cute! I already got my baby girl a few dolls for Christmas. But maybe next year.
LOL. All the little dolls next to her had random highlights in bright colors. Kids like that these days? :look:

LOL, you're so right, because this doll isn't the only one with colorful hair!! I can't even front, I had a Jem doll and she had hot pink hair. :lachen: