Custom Growth Chart


New Member

We all are different. I have a really long back (charge that to my Asian blood). The distance between my shoulders and mid back are different from yours. Make your own custom growth chart using my technique to chart your future hair.

1. Get a tape measure, they usually have holes at the top.
2. Thread a ribbon through the hole of tape measure.
3. Tie ribbon around your neck. (if your hair is shorter... go higher up to tie the ribbon... wrap around your ears/face)
4. Make sure the tape measure is running vertically straight down your spine.
5. Tie another ribbon around waist to keep it straight.
6. Have someone photograph your back.
7. Upload photo to your computer.
8. Color in your hair goals using the tape measure as your guide and the assumption that your hair will grow 0.5" per month.

Now you can see how many inches you have to go to reach your length goals!
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This is fantastic! Gotta try this even though I don't even measure my hair ever. But if I do, I will do it like this.
Glad ya'll like it...
I'd been meaning to post it since April
finally got some time today...
I really hope it makes it easier for people
to visualize and realize their goals...

LOL... I just thought about those that want to
go past the hip... past the butt... idk... this might
work... tape measure thong :rolleyes: :look: ...actually... you could just
leave your panties/bottoms on then... anyway... i digress...
Its so simple its genius! as soon as my hair pasts my neck (it already does... but its still pretty short), i'll be sure to do this
ST, girl you're always coming up with these nifty ideas... How do you think them up... :lachen:

This is great, thanks for sharing. Great skin by the way!:yep:
ST, girl you're always coming up with these nifty ideas... How do you think them up... :lachen:

IDK... I have all kinds of random ideas... hope they all get to manifest themselves one day soon

This is great, thanks for sharing. Great skin by the way!:yep:

Thanks... you're hair has really improved in your siggy pic... amazing... I'm jealous a little... I love shiny black hair... very niiice
OMG! Southern Tease You are my hair Idol?! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your Hair Blog-Journal! What Program do you use to make your growth charts with the dates and such on them? I'm trying to make my own!

You should probably copyright this idea......I just bet someone will start selling tape measure with strings attached:rolleyes:.

You should probably copyright this idea......I just bet someone will start selling tape measure with strings attached:rolleyes:.

LOL... I'm not worried about that... I'd feel flattered but
I have many more ideas where that came from...
stay tuned... :yep: :yep: :yep:
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