"Cussing" (Cursing) in Books

Travis Girl

New Member
I'm an avid reader and there have been times when I've purchased a book that looks like a promising great read; then at some point I see what I call the "big gd" (someone is damning God) It really urks me to see someone launch into a cussing tirade---especially when the "big gd" is involved. For me cursing God is like saying, He doesn't exist. I'm not the holiest, most perfect person, but I try my best to acquire and maintain Jesus's standards. I scan pages in advance, but sometimes they sneak up on you. I do realize cussing, anatomical slang, etc is something that happens every day, it's reality...but I really don't like to spend my time and money on a book whose author couldn't be creative enough to express their thoughts in a different way.

My question is--has anyone come across a site that previews books for cussing...almost like a rating system of some sort? Like with movies---you know if there's language/violence issues. At least I'd have a choice as to read/buy or not.
I so dislike...that......across the board...music... video..movies....et al
It's like there is a pop culture contempt of God that's being transmitted
as a message that I want no part of. Wouldn't it be awesome if it in the popculture
it's cool to love God...
and be loved by God instead of disrespecting His name

Christian writers are probably the safest venue?
Christian literary webs may also offer a rating system for
general populace
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Thanks for your reply! Yeah, that would be so nice. Alot of times there are movies and shows that I didn't feel right to watch, but I purchased a gadget called the "TV Guardian" that my husband and I love. It filters the explicatives/potty mouth and inserts it with something more acceptable through either dubbing or captions...like the way TBS or national stations did before the envelope starting being pushed. I will definitely have to get more familiar with authors' styles to open my reading horizons and I'll take a peep at the Christian literary webs. Thanks for the idea!!! :grin: