Curve Shingling Technique w/Photos....

  • Thread starter Thread starter LaNecia
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I'll check and see if I have it here on the 'puter @ work...if not...I'll do so when I get home!
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WOW! Great Link... Thanks for posting... My hair is notoriously difficult to "tie down". I would be scared it would eat that pudding up and then laugh at me :lachen: But I might give it a try one day cuz my hair is acting alot better these days since I started giving it some TLC.
I've saved this to another server cause the Fotki account won't allow .PDF formatted documents.... :mad:

Anyway, here ya go. Kinks To Curls 101. If you find you can't access this cause my server is on overload (I've got a website on Black Planet that uses photos from this site)...just check back later.
Shatani said: computer doesnt do pdf :( ah, well....

Ok...I got it scanned as an image just for you! Kinks to Curls 101. Since it's an image, it's kinda hard to read on my screen (I can't adjust the image size) but maybe you have an image converter or something you can use. The other link in PDF format will remain active for those who want to view/print it.

LaNecia said:
Ok...I got it scanned as an image just for you! Kinks to Curls 101. Since it's an image, it's kinda hard to read on my screen (I can't adjust the image size) but maybe you have an image converter or something you can use. The other link in PDF format will remain active for those who want to view/print it.

awww thanks!!! youre the bestest ever!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
I thought the same thing. I've tried this product too! It's okay, lovely smell but I did'nt like all that product...IMO

Nina_deF said:
Isn't that an awful lot of product, though?

I would feel weird having that amount of goo on my head.
The hair must attract dust like crazy and feel totally greased up.
Shatani said:
do you think theres a real miss jessie or is she just a character like mr. clean??? or the kool-aid man??

There's a Kool-Aid man???!!! *running around wildly with cup of ice***