CURVE SALON (aka Miss Jessies)CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member

AS OF 7/2/2007
THERE IS NOT A CURVE SALON ANY LONGER!!!!!!!! I really hate to see minority businesses fold...........awww man, I'm sad.:eek:

from the site:

Dear Miss Jessie’s Salon Patrons:

As you may already be aware, Miss Jessie’s announced the closure of The Salon effective July 2, 2007. The decision to close operations was a difficult one but part of an overall restructuring plan to focus on the wonderful products we deliver to help you manage your naturally curly, kinky and wavy hair. We want to thank all the patrons whose lives we have touched either directly or indirectly.

Should you have any questions at all please contact us at 718-852-2600.

Titi Branch
Managing Director

here is a link to the message:
is Miko still taking appts in DC? I wanted to get a consultation in the near future since I've decided to go natural.
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JLove74 said:
is Niko still taking appts in DC? I wanted to get a consultation in the near future since I've decided to go natural.

Not sure? Maybe they can give you a local number for her if you call the one they have listed?

Let us know!

I wanted to get a cut when my TWA got longer...........damn.
Wow... I wonder if they're still going to produce the products. Maybe the two sisters couldn't reconcile their differences?
bmoreflyygirl said:
Wow... I wonder if they're still going to produce the products. Maybe the two sisters couldn't reconcile their differences?

If so that is REALLY sad. I know some didn't care for their pricing, but from what I've heard, the salon was a power house! I mean seriously there are not too many black/multi-racial salons that can thrive charging $300+! From what it sounds like from many, it was worth every penny. If you look at the pics of people who had their hair done there, looks like some of everybody (meaning different ethnicities) had services done their.I hope they are successful with their products, I will continue to buy them because they work for me.........

Now I have to figure out who can give me a nice shape+cut in a few months.........DAMN GINA!
Wow, that is really sad to hear. two sisters who created such a wonderful venture. Sad to see it go. But you would think the two sisters would keep on doing hair since htey know it so well, I wish them well.
That really surprises me. Seemed like they had a really successful business even at those steep prices. I bet they have bigger things planned perhaps. Or maybe since Miko went to DC they were having some differences as to how to run the business.

It'll be interesting to see what becomes of those sister.

I dunno, from the note, it sounds like Titi is just doing products now.

I guess the salon folded without Miko, because Miko was the one doing chemicals and cuts and things.
That's weird, and I would like to know what Titi did with all her clients :confused: I would be p'ed off if my stylist just shut down on me like that. They need a better explanation if you ask me.
BeautifulWideEyes said:
That's weird, and I would like to know what Titi did with all her clients :confused: I would be p'ed off if my stylist just shut down on me like that. They need a better explanation if you ask me.

Yeah, if she were my stylist I would be throwing a
You know what...I am so over them, and ya'll know I really supported them and spoke highly of my experience over the time I patroned the salon. I had already moved on to a new stylist, but there were many clients still waiting to go back. They led everyone to believe that they were opening up this great new shop over this whole time they've been closed, and people were really waiting for it to open. Now they turn around and say the are shutting down opperations completely.

I'm not sure what the deal is, because Miko's site gives out the Miss Jessie's Salon number to contact her for an appointment.

Whatever, I'm happy with Anthony Dickey. Reminds me, I need to go ahead and make an appointment for next month...
so1913 said:
You know what...I am so over them, and ya'll know I really supported them and spoke highly of my experience over the time I patroned the salon. I had already moved on to a new stylist, but there were many clients still waiting to go back. They led everyone to believe that they were opening up this great new shop over this whole time they've been closed, and people were really waiting for it to open. Now they turn around and say the are shutting down opperations completely.

I'm not sure what the deal is, because Miko's site gives out the Miss Jessie's Salon number to contact her for an appointment.

Whatever, I'm happy with Anthony Dickey. Reminds me, I need to go ahead and make an appointment for next month...

So1913, what's Miko's site?
bmoreflyygirl said:
Ohhh okay. I do remember seeing that before. Thanks. There's nothing up there but that phone number.

Yes, that's the phone number to Miss Jessies in Brooklyn. It says to call there for scheduling, which lead folks to believe she went back to the salon.
so1913 said:
Yes, that's the phone number to Miss Jessies in Brooklyn. It says to call there for scheduling, which lead folks to believe she went back to the salon.

Something isn't right about that. :look:
bmoreflyygirl said:
Something isn't right about that. :look:

Yeah, I don't get it either :perplexed

That's why I'm just like FORGET it now, and will just keep going to Dickey. To much trouble to figure out what's going on with those two.
so1913 said:
Yeah, I don't get it either :perplexed

That's why I'm just like FORGET it now, and will just keep going to Dickey. To much trouble to figure out what's going on with those two.

So true. I'm glad you found a stylist that you like. :)
so1913 said:
Yeah, I don't get it either :perplexed

That's why I'm just like FORGET it now, and will just keep going to Dickey. To much trouble to figure out what's going on with those two.

So now I'm sooo curious, seeing as though they will only be selling/ marketing their products, how much income that really generates......I say this because I know the salon was VERY successful! I'm sure the product piece of it is VERY lucrative as well......ok now I'm just being nosey.:)

At any rate, so1913 where is Dickey located? He specializes in kinky/ curly hair? Do tell!