Cursing - How bad is it really in the eyes of the Lord


New Member
I'd like to get as many viewpoints on this as possible. I'm trying to be a better person in general for myself, those around me and God. Cursing is one of my weaker points although I have noticed I've been doing it less and when I do do it, I'm immediatley remorseful. So My questions are,

As a christian do you still curse?

Are you now a reformed curser, what made you stop and how did you stop?

What words do you think 'qualify' as a curse word, which shouldn't be used as a christian?
Me, I'm a reformed curser. I think its wrong to curess because as a Christian, how can we be an effective witness for the Goodness of God when we have a mouth like a public toilet in a cheap motel. The world is watching us just so they can say aw there aint nothing to her do you hear the way she talks. I know there are scriptures pertaining to profane communications but I'm not sure where it is. Will somebody please post the scripture I'm thinking about. LondonDiva, remember, Rome wasnt built in a day. As you grow in God, these worldly things will pass. Stay encouraged.
I found a few scriptures that speaks against cussing but one is Eph 5:3,4 states " But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints; and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jestting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.


Eph 4: 29 states " Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear"

In addition, to those two scriptures we have so many scripiture in the Word of God that tells us that to be careful of what we say because the tounge is so powerful.

No I was one who cussed, I know how to cuss you one way and then another and I guess I would have to say that as I changed ( and thank God for his Holy Spirit) and became a new creature in Christ and grow and stopped using words that I knew was not of God. Those words that did not uplift others.

Now it not easy and there are those moments (Thank God few and far between) that I slip and say and word or two but nothing like I was before.

Don't give up and as you grow God will work on those things that needs to be worked on.
Well from time to time I curse and I don't think this makes me a bad Christian or a bad person. Words are words.... as long as they're not directed towards someone or as long as they don't hurt anybody, I think it's fine.
Eiano said:
Well from time to time I curse and I don't think this makes me a bad Christian or a bad person. Words are words.... as long as they're not directed towards someone or as long as they don't hurt anybody, I think it's fine.

No cussing does not make you a bad person, as we are fall short of the mark, I know for me gossiping is a problem for me, even when I know what I am saying is fact not fiction. However I have to disagree with you when you say that words don't hurt anybody. Words can hurt even if not spoken to anyone special. Blessings and cursings comes from the month, how can we bless God and cuss man with the same tonugue and be correct - James 3:10. It's not possible. I hope that makes sense. I also beleive that you (anyone) can speak themselves into doom and gloom but always saying it to themselves. For example if you always say that you are nothing, you will be nothing because that is what you will think and do
LadyR said:
However I have to disagree with you when you say that words don't hurt anybody. Words can hurt even if not spoken to anyone special.

I didn't say words don't hurt anybody, I said "as long as they're not directed towards someone or as long as they don't hurt anybody, I think it's fine."

Words hurt like nothing else!!! Trust me I know from 1st hand experience... we all do!!! :)
I've never been a curser. I think it sounds so awful when people just make a sentence of curse words. I don't see how they do it. I never grew up around a lot of cursing either. I would be the type of person that doesn't know how to curse. But I also don't feel comfortable cursing either.

As a Christian, I believe that all curse words and profanity shouldn't be used. THe Bible speaks against using profanity so any bad word would be wrong to say. Like LadyR said, let no unwholesome word proceed out of your mouth. Also, it doesn't make you a bad person if you have curse because all have fallen short of God's glory whether it's with profanity or not. Ask God for forgiveness and ask for strength to hold your tongue.

Seems like everything's a sin!!! :eek:
Eiano said:
Well from time to time I curse and I don't think this makes me a bad Christian or a bad person. Words are words.... as long as they're not directed towards someone or as long as they don't hurt anybody, I think it's fine.

Words are so unbelievably powerful, it's scary. There are countless scriptures about the power of a tongue.

Even if something negative that comes out of your mouth is not directed specifically at another person, it is still not pleasing to God's ear. And if it is not pleasing to God's ear, then you strive not to do it.

Though Karma is not a Christian concept per se, I believe in the principle. Things you say, do AND think will come back around.

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You know...I used to curse years ago but realized I could stop completely because while I would curse around other people or even to myself, I could never bring myself to curse at or around my son no matter how upset or frustrated I might have been. God got my attention and had me thinking about that one real hard.

I know my parents didn't curse, and if they did, I never heard them. So I know that had a little something to do with it. But mainly because I knew the Lord was watching me rear my son and I was going to be held accountable for everything I said and did not just in my son's eyes but in God's eyes.

I didn't want to be one of those mommys who would do and say any and everything under the watchful eyes and piercing ears of God and then turn to my son and tell him "you can't do as I do or say what I say, because I'm grown, just do what I tell you to do." This is so confusing to a child and unfair when that child slips and says something they've heard their parent say but gets a beating for it.:huh: One thing to keep in mind is... we definitely reap what we sow. In the end it really makes me look bad as a parent who is trying along with my husband to raise our children in a Christian home and environment. But ultimately as a Christian who yearns to produce good fruit daily for all of the fruit inspectors and the world to see Christ in me.
I also am gulity of cursing as well. But as I got closer to the word, I find myself using profanity less and less. Now there are times when I do curse but on accident. Ex: When I'm clumsy and dropp food on the floor or when I stubb my toe turning the corner in the hallway. :look: But even in these situations I ask forgiveness and say to myself that things like this happen. :)
Poohbear said:
I've never been a curser. I think it sounds so awful when people just make a sentence of curse words. I don't see how they do it. I never grew up around a lot of cursing either. I would be the type of person that doesn't know how to curse. But I also don't feel comfortable cursing either.

As a Christian, I believe that all curse words and profanity shouldn't be used. THe Bible speaks against using profanity so any bad word would be wrong to say. Like LadyR said, let no unwholesome word proceed out of your mouth. Also, it doesn't make you a bad person if you have curse because all have fallen short of God's glory whether it's with profanity or not. Ask God for forgiveness and ask for strength to hold your tongue.

ITA...I have never been a curser either.
James 3:

9With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. 10Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.
LondonDiva said:
...As a christian do you still curse?

Are you now a reformed curser, what made you stop and how did you stop?

What words do you think 'qualify' as a curse word, which shouldn't be used as a christian?

I actually stopped cursing before I became a christian. I used to 'cuss bad' in my teens and early twenties. It was a learned habit from family and friends. Some older family members were professionals at it and even used those whopping compound curses. They cursed when they were happy, sad, angry, sarcastic, joking, etc. Sometimes it was hard to tell if they were being insincere, or if it was just their habit.

My mother wasn't havin' that at home. Although she has let a few slip over the years, she didn't want me to develop that habit. I had to be extra careful not to slip around her.

My pet peeve was always the "b" word. Two friends of mine dissolved their close friendship over that. When it was joking time, it was fine for them to use it. But when one used it during a petty disagreement, it turned into a nasty fight. I also didn't like it when an old friend's boyfriend used to curse and demean her. She was desensitized to it, and it made me more furious than her.

At 31, I still spell out those words when quoting someone else to my mother :look: out of respect/fear. And as a parent, I have to be an example. I didn't stop cold turkey though. It was a gradual process. To me profanity was like playing with fire - you can get burned. Now when I walk down the street and hear profanity, I cringe a little. It's like chalk scraping the chalkboard to me.

As others said already, christians should not use profanity at all. Although cursing wasn't an issue for me, God had other issues to address after I became a christian. It's good that He is merciful because He's not finished with me yet. (...:o ...ok, let's move on...)

As long as you ask God for forgiveness, don't beat yourself up. He knows your heart, and He'll help you to overcome.