Currently how long without heat?

i think almost a month.
i'm so proud! but is it cheating if you had braids? if not then 1 week.
am still trying to hold out, I so want to press my hair, but I know its not a good thing too do, I have to make myself keep my hair in braid or twist, and stay focus on less is better
i dont ever recall using direct heat since i've been relaxed.i've been relaxed for 9 yrs now. but i've used hooded dryers throughout my relaxer years until joining this board.i've been COMPLETELY heat free for months,5-6.
I haven't used the blowdryer, since I joined the forum in July. I have been using the curling iron about once a month.
It's been two whole months. I left my blowdryer at home, so I'm not even tempted to use that - and I'm not too good with the flat iron so for me, it is a mix between having the self-restrait, lacking the time, and simply not having the correct tools. I suspect that between January and June, I will use heat only two times - once to get a much needed trim and once for the fun of changing up my style. That's equivalent to using heat about 4 times a year if I keep up this record.
I read this whole thread and am inspired to drop the heat. I was so disgusted last night after drying and ironing my hair, then feeling how terribly dry and fuzzy my ends were. I applied Vaseline when I was finished, and saw too many of my precious freshly snapped little ends. I thought I needed to trim, so I did that last week, but had the same results this week. It can't be anything other than the heat, so I'm done.

About 3-4 years ago, I used to only blowdry my hair and it was way longer than it is now that I have been devoted to the flat iron, but for some reason I didn't put the two together until now! 17 inches, versus 14 at present!!
I realize that I am the victim of another beautician, who told me I should keep my hair straighter to prevent snapping and breakage.

It's interesting because I thought I was better off being chemical free, but I see from viewing photo albums that a good number of members are relaxed and have length. It's becoming clear that heat is a greater enemy than chemical relaxing!! That's revolutionary! Thank you all!!
I have been air drying since Dec 03 and I am so glad I made the switch. My hair is much softer, no split ends since last trim in Dec 03. I have used my ceramic on the lowest setting twice since I started air drying.

I am wearing braid outs, french roll and loose updos. I could see the difference in the first couple weeks but now that its been 2 months my hair looks and feels completely different. I no longer feel the need to have it stick straight and get my shine by using my oil blends.
Its been about a month since I flat ironed. I go months sometimes without using direct heat. I love my hood dryer though, I will not let go of that
gvsugirl said:
for those who have gone months without heat what have you noticed thats different about your hair??

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No heat whatsoever since I joined LHCF in July, 2003, about 7 months. I only airdry. My hair is so much more prettier, thicker, full of body and longer. My hair stays soft and moisturized until my next wash. I have only the normal shedding and hardly any breakage. When I used to use blowdryers and hot combs there were a lot of hairs in the sink and on the floor.

I have been shopping around for a Chi flat iron though at a good price, in case I want to experience very straight hair for certain occasions only.
I haven't used heat since my last relaxer 7 weeks ago. I usually flat iron when I relax which is between 12 to 16 weeks.
erica78 said:
No heat since december 19th 2003

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Same here. Dont intend to use heat again until after my next touch up in April
Isis said:
I only airdry. My hair is so much more prettier, thicker, full of body and longer. My hair stays soft and moisturized until my next wash. When I used to use blowdryers and hot combs there were a lot of hairs in the sink and on the floor.

I have been shopping around for a Chi flat iron though at a good price, in case I want to experience very straight hair for certain occasions only.

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keep me posted if you find one at a good price.
sengschick said:
It's interesting because I thought I was better off being chemical free, but I see from viewing photo albums that a good number of members are relaxed and have length. It's becoming clear that heat is a greater enemy than chemical relaxing!! That's revolutionary! Thank you all!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I SECOND that!!!!!!
I only use heat occassionally if I wrap my hair. I usually air dry my hair and then when it's almost dry I will sit under the dryer for about 30 minutes.

I'm most happy that I've not used any curling irons in a very long time.