curly hair


New Member
hi everyone I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on how to get the curly look w/o using heat. I have relaxed hair but i would love to have curly hair i'm not really trying to cut my hair off either. should i try to get my hair to grow out some more get a wave nouvea then cut off the relaxed ends? what's the difference between getting your hair texturized or getting a wave nouvea? If anyone here has a wave nouvea or texturized hair can you please give me a link to your pics. thanks
Check this thread. Scroll down a little bit for the instructions.

"CharUK" has a Wave Nouveau. She could probably give you more info on that. But I think the big difference between the two are the chemicals used to process the hair.
LilMezz I'm not sure how long your hair is but I found that the longer my hair was the easier it was to 'train' it to curl just right. It's currently relaxed which allows me to manage it better. It's naturally curly and a bit wild.

In it's wet stage it's a bit easier to manage. I apply Nexxus Humectruss (my GENERIC knock off version) to very wet hair and as it's drying I grab it gently and 'scrunch' it for ten minutes. If I don't have time for that I braid it while very wet and remove the braids 30 minutes later.
