
Well-Known Member
Thankyou tai, for posting about Lorraine Massey method, I’ve never had so much softness and curl defintion in my hair before even though i done CW loads of times, i never had these results.

Here are the results below (I towel blotted the hair to remove excess water, I haven’t applied any products to my hair yet).


plaese ignore my face i forgot to use photoshop, i look terrible this was early in the morning.


I followed the corkscrew curl method, I put my head back to allow the shower water to cascade through the curls, I don’t touch the hair yet. When the water has saturated the hair, I apply a small amount of VO5 Pina colado to my scalp only and and massage it using fingertips, like you would do with a shampoo, this is to cleanse the scalp.. I rinse my scalp, and scratched with my finger nails to check if it was sufficiently cleansed and to my surprise I had no build up.

then I apply a coating of keracare humecto to the front, back and sides and middle of the hair, I don’t add enough for the curls to clump together. Thinner consistency conditioners works the best as there is low risk of build-up.

I begin to finger comb through curls, it feels like a wet sea weed, really slippery feeling , I finish detangling with fingers and remove shedding hairs (I didn’t lose much). I finish off showering myself first before I tilt my head back and rinse some of the conditioner off for a few seconds. that’s it.

I know you guys are probably really sick of my raves I’m going to hide away for a few months.
/images/graemlins/clap.gif I'm so glad you tried it, Den. I'm telling you my hair feels so great when I use her method. I also followed the one for corkscrew curls. Your curls look great, Den! And you look beautiful, even early in the morning. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
It looks WONDERFUL!!! I wish my hair could curl up like that. Although it use to before I started relaxing my hair. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
It's great you found a method that works! Your hair looks lovely! I've been doing this all along and never knew that it was the Curly Girl Method! haha
Very pretty Den1! /images/graemlins/clap.gif

I plan on trying this method myself. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Tai said:
/images/graemlins/clap.gif I'm so glad you tried it, Den. I'm telling you my hair feels so great when I use her method. I also followed the one for corkscrew curls. Your curls look great, Den! And you look beautiful, even early in the morning. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Tai, i can't thank-you enough for posting about this method /images/graemlins/clap.gif, i'm glad i purchased the book,this is really the greatest my hair has felt in ages /images/graemlins/grin.gif, i'm doing this for as long as it continues to work. btw your hair is soo pretty.
Your hair looks great Den! After you rinsed for a few seconds, then what did you do? Did you just let the water drip or did you squeeze out or dry any excess water?
Kha said:
Your hair looks great Den! After you rinsed for a few seconds, then what did you do? Did you just let the water drip or did you squeeze out or dry any excess water?

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thanks kha, i let the water drip for a few seconds, then cover hair with towel, to absorb some of the excess water.
The best part about the method is the way your hair feels. It feels just like silk and your curls come out perfect every time. To get out the excess water, I plot it out while also scrunching my hair at the same time with a towel.

@Den: Thanks, girl but it's no where as pretty as yours. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Looks AWESOME girl!!! I'm going to start the CG method soon.. I'm hoping to get the book after the holiday..

Are you also doing the thing where you only use gel and honey as your products? I'm not sure if that's exactly it..but it's something like that..
Tai said:
The best part about the method is the way your hair feels. It feels just like silk and your curls come out perfect every time. To get out the excess water, I plot it out while also scrunching my hair at the same time with a towel.

@Den: Thanks, girl but it's no where as pretty as yours. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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ITA My hair feels silky and soft, Tai have you tried her other hair receipes in the book, i really want to try the lemon aid, lavender mist and aloe vera gel, sounds so interesting, i can start learning how to do curly hairstyles now, Lorraine has some great illustrations.

Nonsense your curls are much nicer than mine, you have completely natural ones, mine has been fabricated by using chemicals lol /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif.
RushGirl said:
Looks AWESOME girl!!! I'm going to start the CG method soon.. I'm hoping to get the book after the holiday..

Are you also doing the thing where you only use gel and honey as your products? I'm not sure if that's exactly it..but it's something like that..

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Thanks girl /images/graemlins/smile.gif i haven't tried those products yet, i need to buy some AO ALOE VERA GEL, i'm wondering what's the best honey to use in the hair.
candibaby said:
daaaaaaaaaaang, your curls are too cute. what exactly is the method you used?

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Hi thanks girl, its called "The Curly Girl" method by Lorraine Massey curls expert, i think. She devised a method for curly haired individuals which she catorgorizes under three diffrent types: corkscrew, Botticelli and wavy. the method is simlar to cw, there are diffrent methods for each curl type. i follow the corkscrew curl, I clean scalp with light conditioner, and apply to hair leaving a small amount on, she recommends using a clear gel, and other hair receipes to get the perfect clean, frizz free, well defined, soft and moisturised curls. Lorraine also has great hairstyle tips, its great i love it.
candibaby said:
makes me wish i was natural. /images/graemlins/frown.gif thanks for explaining it to me.

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You can still get your hair to wave even if you have straight hair, just use some gel, and scrunch a diffuser would help too. I'm certain there is a section in her book about achieving this with straight hair.
den1 said:
RushGirl said:
Looks AWESOME girl!!! I'm going to start the CG method soon.. I'm hoping to get the book after the holiday..

Are you also doing the thing where you only use gel and honey as your products? I'm not sure if that's exactly it..but it's something like that..

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Thanks girl /images/graemlins/smile.gif i haven't tried those products yet, i need to buy some AO ALOE VERA GEL, i'm wondering what's the best honey to use in the hair.

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I'm not sure about the best honey..I think I read on NC that I think they just use the honey you can buy in the store..but I think one of the favorites of the Aloe is that Fruit of the Earth one.. I'm sure if you go there and do a search you'll easily find it! /images/graemlins/smile.gif