Curly Girl (CG) Method is Working for Me!!!! *Pics*


Well-Known Member
I posted last week about hair feeling dry and got some great feed back. But I still wasn't really satisfied with the curliness (or lack thereof) of my hair if I didn't twist it. I wanted something that if pressed for time I could wash and go and still look good. So I started researching the Curly Girl CG method and decided to try it. Here's what I did...
  • DC'd on dry hair with EVOO and Giovanni SAS for 1 hour under electric heating cap
  • Co-washed with Giovanni SAS and Nature's Gate Jojoba Condish
  • On the first co-wash I put Nature's Gate in a color applicator bottle (pointy tip) to apply directly to scalp to cleanse
  • 2nd co-wash I use Giovanni SAS and apply to hair
  • Rinse with cold water
  • Lightly pat hair with T-shirt (towel can cause frizz)
  • Apply Giovanni Direct Leave In
  • Cover with plastic cap for 10 minutes
  • Apply Black Earth Crinkles & Curls Foam
  • Apply Coconut Oil
  • Apply Raw Shea Butter
  • Cover with plastic cap for one hour (allow moisture to set)--OPTIONAL depending on my time
  • Uncover
  • Define curls and pre-style (finger coils and smoothing edges--SEE PICS)
  • Air Dry (for me I co-wash at night and dry overnight)
  • Finish styling (for me that is defining curls and pulling pieces, moisturize and seal with oil)
Here are wet pics after I've defined and pics of what it looked like this morning.










I like unkept, wild, messy I really like this. It's an easy do and I can spritz it with moisturizer during the day and it not come undone. Takes about 10 minutes to get the pieces like I want, but I'm set for the day. My hair is soft, fluffy and has some sheen to it without it being jheri-curl looking LOL

This will probably be my go-to do til the back grows enough for my next style (shhhhhh)...LOL
VERY VERY nice! your hair is beautiful, it looks sooooo soft! Good to know you're finding things that work so early in your natural journey :-)
i cant see the pics but im sure it looks nice.
with that said, i dont understand the cg method. is it possible that someone can explain to me why all those different products and covering the hair is needed.
I am relaxed and I lived on the curly girl method during the winter and it prevented my hair from drying out. Loving it. I think I might just go back. CURLY GIRL ROCKS!!!
It looks did a great job!

I can't wait to cut off my damaged ends so that I can wear this style.
Thanks for the compliments. I'm still learning my hair and definitely still trying to get the moisture balance's a journey and a process but I'm enjoying it!
arr you cut your hair? WOW I didn't even know you were transtioning. I haven't been over to this board in so long. I love your curls!
isn't the curly girl method awesomeee?! i've been doing it for a little over a month and my hair does things I never thought it could do! I didn't think I would last this long without shampoo. And I also thought it would be hard to use products without cones that actually gave me slip. I'm not a big fan of giovanni, but trader joe's can be compared to Aussie. I was in love with aussie before going CG.
isn't the curly girl method awesomeee?! i've been doing it for a little over a month and my hair does things I never thought it could do! I didn't think I would last this long without shampoo. And I also thought it would be hard to use products without cones that actually gave me slip. I'm not a big fan of giovanni, but trader joe's can be compared to Aussie. I was in love with aussie before going CG.


I'm still unsure of the cone thing so I just purchased what was on the CG approved list LOL

I've been co-washing for a while, so I knew I could do it and would like it. I get crazy shrinkage, but I think it's cute. My mom just looks at it and shakes her head.
I can't see the pics. There's some "ImageShack Anti-Sec" message instead. But, I'm glad you found something that works for you!