Curls?... Please read


New Member
i want to do something to my hair to have curls, i started getting perms this summer but i want something a lil diffreent. NO i dont want a jerri curl, but is there something like it that will cause me to get curls, like a curly perm. white people get curly perms to make their hair curly, is there something for black people that does the same. something that you would just put some gel or oil in it and it be curly. someone please help.
why don't you gdo a straw set. you you roller set you hair after washing it on perm rods or straws using setting lotion or gel. then you sit under a dryer and when you hair is dry you pull the curls apart. i'll try to find you a picture of this style.
Just do a braid out to get that curly look. Works for me!!!!
Since your hair is relaxed you can't put another chemical on top of it to make it curly. I think that's what you're asking?

What hair type are you? Instead of relaxing your hair straight, you could just texturize, using a milder relaxer in your hair for a shorter amount of time. This loosens the curl of your natural hair, still allowing you to wear it in curly styles. Do a search and you will find alot of info on texturizing.

In the mean time, you can do straw sets or possibly braid outs.