Curious: Why Wear Protective Styles You Don't Feel Attractive In?


Well-Known Member
I've always been curious about this. I see posts all the time about ladies that complain that no one takes their advice because their hair is in a bun 100% of the time. Or they'll mention in passing how they feel they look kinda shlumpy while protective styling with x style but oh well I'm making progress so imma rock this for the next 2 years! Its kinda like okaaayyy:look: there are like a million and one protective styles you could be trying why let yourself look sloppy? You can have the best of both worlds....

So my question is, if you feel unattractive in your current long term protective style....why do you wear it? Why not switch the PS up more?
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I wish I knew how to do better PS. I can only do braidouts and twistouts. At my job your hair has to look great or else they'll send you home. So all I do are wash and goes which is starting to dry out my hair.
It's all about creativity. My buns got boring so I accessorized, changed up the part, I even wore a side bun once and I hate those lol but I needed some variety in my life. When my hair was SL and I was wearing twists all the time I'd just sit in the mirror playing around with bobby pins and pinning them up for a different look. Protective styling doesn't have to be a jail sentence. Grow your hair long and look good doing it!
I think that some of them can't do the desired style they would like to do. Like me, I don't know how to cornrow. I can cornrow baby doll hair, but not my own so I plait or twist my hair. While I like it, I like cornrows better.
Great question, for me I just lack the motivation to do something else, so of course I default to my comfort style which is box braids btw.
This exactly why I rarely bun my hair because I feel like frump-a-dump. I've taking to pinning up my hair. I get the same moist ends at the end of the day and I didn't have to pull at my hairline.
I never understood that either. I can't go out hating my hairstyle. I love buns but they have to be cute and even accessorized. There are many other styles that can be protective as well.
i used to be one of those ladies...until i found half wigs..i wore extension braids for about 8-9 months straight and got tired of them..i thought they did nothing for my chubby face.but now with half wigs..i can find basically any style that makes me feel pretty and frames my face nicely.

i also believe its all about creativity too and accessorizing..i personally love the way a bun looks with a turtleneck shirt and big round earrings
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Buns and pony tails, it looks absolutely ugly on me... I mean absolutely! I can't have my hair straight back unless it has some kind of bang or part. I'd love to look good in a Bun.

to add

I never really wear something that looks ugly on me, thats a good point maybe we should try change it up. Look at other women in the style and get inspirations
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For most women it comes down to either money, time, skills or the length of their hair. When you have one or more of those limitations you end up with the bun by default.
Hmmm, good question. I think in my case it is about lack of "know how". I simply don't know how to do some of the styles that I see you lovely ladies create, especially you BMP. You have an uber advantage b/c you know how to do a variety of things to your hair (ie straw sets, crochet braids, etc). Me on the other hand, I just know how to do twists and sloppy cornrows to the back. Once I learn how to do some on the sides, I can start rocking more styles like you and Mook! :)
I just pinned and banana clipped my plain flat twists and twistout into a cute style. The bobby pins are sticking out like a sore thumb in the 3rd pic lol but I'm gonna pin it better if/when I go out today. Not exactly a full protective style but my hair is moisturized well and not touching my clothes.



Great question! I've often wondered this too.
I don't particularly care for buns, but I know that a slicked back bun looks cute and professional. I leave my hair out on the weekend but if I really do want to wear it out one day I allow myself.
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My flat twists are not the best looking yet but I haven't been practicing enough. With all the free twisting and braiding tutorials there is honestly no excuse for not knowing how to do your own hair, and with all the Fotki's there is for darn sure no excuse for not having anycute style ideas. Thank God my twists are decent enough to wear outside, but to get better at them I'm switching up my styling routine so I'm flat twisting once a week. I'm gonna see how my cornrows are looking and try them next week though.

I think no matter what else I try, I keep coming back to my wet bun. I love the way it's so easy to cowash my hair often and my hair thrives with it. But I don't feel frumpy in mine. I feel chic the way I do it, so it's all good.

I'm also with Mizzbrit on the half wigs (and many times a full wig). I like the way I can braid my hair up underneath and still cowash often. But I sometimes get tired of the weight of these pieces on my head and I'll head right on back to my trusty bun... :lol:
Hmmm peer pressure? Bunning isn't for everyone. For that matter neither are crow rows braids ect. I personally hate braids/twists/ect. Peoeple tell me I look better with my hair pulled back and besides I have ALOT of hai when it's do it honestly annoys the heck out of me. I think people should do what they want. If you don't feel beautiful, people will know.
I know for me personally I can't wait until I can do a Bun, I am gonna wear that sucka 24/7 cuz I know I will look good and chic with it LOL!!! But this is a good thread!
I like my bun. Sure, sometimes I get a little tired of it, but I always switch it up and do cute things with my bun. I think the reason I stick to the bun is there are many protective styles that I just cannot or won't do. I don't want to do the protective styles with my hair out like twist outs or braid outs because for me I stick to my regimen more if I am not constantly messing with my hair. The other thing is that I have never worn weaves or anything. So scratch any protective style with half wigs, weaves, etc. They look cute on others, but weaves and wigs are not for me. So I change up my bun and wear the ponytail out curled sometimes, and I am happy with it.
I love my bun! I think it's all about attitude. If I feel sexy, I kick up my make up or clothing and leave a few tendrils out for that professional but hot look. If I'm just running the street I throw my hair in a runner's bun. I make my bun, it doesn't make me.
Good question!
I'm one of those who def. doesn't feel attractive in my PS styles.
However, the best protective styles for me i.e. plaits are the best way for me to retain length and that is NOT a good look at 'da club' lol. For work and running around town, I'm in plaits but going out I'm in a bun or an 'out' style.

I'm guess I'm going for the 'wow' effect...

You're right though, PS styles doesnt have to look bad.
Good question!
I'm one of those who def. doesn't feel attractive in my PS styles.
However, the best protective styles for me i.e. plaits are the best way for me to retain length and that is NOT a good look at 'da club' lol. For work and running around town, I'm in plaits but going out I'm in a bun or an 'out' style.

I'm guess I'm going for the 'wow' effect...

You're right though, PS styles doesnt have to look bad.
Hey Fine 4s I see you're just the kinda lady I was curious about!:yep:

Theres not one other PS you could wear besides big plaits that would both help you retain length and look cute to you?
i would say i wear "ugly" PS's, but they are not very flattering and i wear them because ..
1. i dont have the money to support cuter styles (buying wigs and weaves all the time)
2. i dont have the patience/skills to do those cuter styles

in my world its all about what do you want more a) a cuter style but with less time and money for other things or b) an aiight style with more time and money on my hands.....and since im married with a baby on the way you can understand why choice "b" is a clear winner in my book :)
^ Just a comment on the money thing for cute styles, 99% of the products I use cost below $6 lol so you don't have to be seniorita money bags to achieve cute looks. The time required to achieve it varies with the style you happen to choose, there are quick chic styles.
its simply due to my "hair growing" regimen, I retain so much length in protective styles that i'm willing to sacrifice looking cute. i'll admit its hard, but my hair is longer than its ever been, i feel more in control of my of my hair growth. in the past my hair simply never got longer, now i know exactly how to get it longer ,so i'll be sticking to it until i reach my goal
I don't understand it either.

There are hair accessories everywhere you turn....the mall, the BSS, local convenience stores (CVS, Rite-Aid, etc.), e-tailers, ebay, etsy, you can make your can snatch a flower out your neighbor's garden and use that. And there are so many kinds of accessories! I find it hard to believe that out of all of those clips, pins, sticks, headbands, scarves, snoods, barrettes, bowbows, scrunchies, wraps, flexi-8s, hairzings, forks, combs, Jesus knows what else, not one of them can make your bun look good.

As for the hair is too short excuse...that's a cop-out, IMO.
Buns are not the only protective style in the whole world. The options for wigs, braids, and hair extensions are pretty much limitless. And you can even do them yourself. Plenty of tutorials on youtube, if you want to learn.

I think that most people who say that NO protective style EVER looks good on them are only saying it because they want to wear their own hair down and out. Not because it's true. With all the options available, it can't possibly be true, unless they just don't like their faces.

I mean...if you don't want to PS, then just say so. You don't hafta lie. :rofl:
I don't understand it either.

There are hair accessories everywhere you turn....the mall, the BSS, local convenience stores (CVS, Rite-Aid, etc.), e-tailers, ebay, etsy, you can make your can snatch a flower out your neighbor's garden and use that. And there are so many kinds of accessories! I find it hard to believe that out of all of those clips, pins, sticks, headbands, scarves, snoods, barrettes, bowbows, scrunchies, wraps, flexi-8s, hairzings, forks, combs, Jesus knows what else, not one of them can make your bun look good.

As for the hair is too short excuse...that's a cop-out, IMO.
Buns are not the only protective style in the whole world. The options for wigs, braids, and hair extensions are pretty much limitless. And you can even do them yourself. Plenty of tutorials on youtube, if you want to learn.

I think that most people who say that NO protective style EVER looks good on them are only saying it because they want to wear their own hair down and out. Not because it's true. With all the options available, it can't possibly be true, unless they just don't like their faces.

I mean...if you don't want to PS, then just say so. You don't hafta lie. :rofl:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Thats so wrong!!
Hey Fine 4s I see you're just the kinda lady I was curious about!:yep:

Theres not one other PS you could wear besides big plaits that would both help you retain length and look cute to you?

Sure small twists, flat twists in various styles or buns or two buns. For me PS means each strand is protected not just the ends (ya'll know I'm extreme lol).

Plaits are the easiest for me to manage in between washes. I can easily take down and moisturize 8-10 plaits but not so easily small twists. Perhaps I should also explain that moisturizing is also an extreme definition to me in that each strand must be moisturized. Plaits also motivate me to care for my hair on a weekly basis by making the process of pre-pooing less overwhelming and less time consuming.

Buns I have to leave alone until the next wash day because the bun never looks the same after I take it down to moisturize it. Although, this past week I wore a bun that was very puffy and tangled inside but it was decent enough. Again, nothing I'd feel comfortable enough to go meet friends for dinner but to go to work yep :grin:.

Other than that, it's just laziness....
Hey Fine 4s I see you're just the kinda lady I was curious about!:yep:

Theres not one other PS you could wear besides big plaits that would both help you retain length and look cute to you?

The edit button is not working for me today I editied my comments a lil'

Sure small twists, flat twists in various styles or buns or two buns. For me PS means each strand is protected not just the ends (ya'll know I'm extreme lol).

Plaits are the easiest for me to manage in between washes. I can easily take down and moisturize 8-10 plaits but not so easily small twists. Perhaps I should also explain that moisturizing is also an extreme definition to me in that each strand must be moisturized. Plaits motivate me a lil' more to care for my hair by making the process of pre-pooing seem less overwhelming and less time consuming. This however hasn't worked much lately. LOL so maybe I'm lying about that motivation nonsense (see last line of post).

Buns I have to leave alone until the next wash day because the bun never looks the same after I take it down to moisturize it. Although, this past week I wore a bun that was very puffy and tangled inside but it was decent enough. Again, nothing I'd feel comfortable enough to go meet friends for dinner but to go to work yep :grin:.

Other than that, it's just laziness....
I don't wear any styles I'm not comfortable with or don't feel attractive in.

The first and only time I got a weave, I took it out 5 hrs later, it just wasn't for me.:lachen:

Protective styling has always been easy for me because I'm most comfortable with my hair pulled back out of my face and not hanging down my neck.

It took me a long time to actually start wearing my hair down more often.

Now that I know how to braid, I keep my hair in 2 braids at the side and use that as my go to protective style. I love it and I get lot of compliments on it.

I'm going to check out youtube for some other ideas on twists and flat twists.