Cured sons psoriasis with...


New Member
...using my amla oil/MSM mixture on his scalp. He has psoriasis of the scalp and I HATE it! When he gets haircuts it looks like he has dry scabs or ringworms. I hate that because it makes us look nasty, like I don't care about him having sores in his head. Well I use amla oil mixed with MSM as a home made growth aid. Read about it in my fotki if you'd like under "stuff I do to my mane" or some craziness like that. Anway, his barber suggested using Selsun blue. Tried it and it minimized the scabs but not much. Took him to the doctor and got some kind of prescription cream that leaves a white film thus making him look even more unclean. The cream minimized the scabs but not to where you can't see them. When I put my fotki together on ingredients I used I noticed that amla helps heal skin lesions and what not so I figured, what the hey. Been using it for two weeks and I see NO scabs. I should have took before and after pics but didn't think it would work like this. So if any of you suffer from scabs on the scalp or psoriasis, try this. I'm amazed! But then again reading up on both substances, they both help aid in skin diseases! Just thought I'd share. Sorry so long!
Thanks ladies and I can't tell you how relieved I am that something works! I need to use my "hair line" on his hair more often. Even though I keep it cut(he had long braids until he was 2 but it got a little hard to take care of and he's not one to sit long) his scalp still needs nourishment and care.
My mom has psoriasis and this sounds great. What was the ratio of your mix or did you just whip it up randomly? TIA!
My mom has psoriasis and this sounds great. What was the ratio of your mix or did you just whip it up randomly? TIA!
I actually whipped it up randomly. I poured amla oil in a "Doo Gro" bottle halfway and added about 3 teaspoons of MSM powder. Shake and apply. I"ve also added rosemary EO and thyme EO to it hoping for more miracles! Amla oil is good for hair and skin so if any of you know someone with a skin ailment advise them to give this a try.