Crown & Glory? Help with crown issues...

Curly Lee

Well-Known Member
I'm a 4A/3C natural....
And the center of my head is all types of jacked up!!! This 1 inch section or so of my hair is EXTRA DRY, EXTRA FRAGILE, IMPOSSIBLE to detangle, the scalp is extra dry and itchy. And it's ONLY this section of hair that experiences this. It grows slower than the other section plus it breaks off easier! :perplexed:nono:
Please help me figure out what's wrong with this section and what to do to fix it!
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You have described my hair exactly. Everyone always asks, "why is the top of your hair so flat?" :ohwell: How embarrassing. I try to moisturize that area more, I hope you find something out, I would like to know too.:yep:
There have been a lot of threads on this area being an issue. Not sure if any solutions where found yet, but it may just help to know others are going through this. Some folks issues seemed more serious, so I hope those won't make you panic but will just arm you with info. Ther'e's even a challenge to grow the crown:
Thanks for those links, Nonie. I have the same issues with my crown as the OP and have yet to find a solution.
I had that issue when I was natural, too. I can only suggest giving it extra moisture and care. Scab hair is a beast.