Crown and Glory Ladies


New Member
I am thinking about trying this method. I have had braids in the past, and have seen some SERIOUS breakage. I always liked the ease of microbraids, but man, once again, my temples were always angry with me for the breakage. I had a different type of braid, one that was close to the ones that C&G method recommends, and i didnt see any breakage there. I am close to APL now and i would like to keep my length and use it as a way for no manipulation hair growth... I would be self braiding, as i dont trust those at the braiding shops, but i am quite concerned. I just dont want to ruin my progress, but i am tired of rollersets...:confused: :confused: :confused:
Since you'll be self-braiding, I say go for it and use C&G as your guide. The only other tip I'd like to give you is as soon as you feel the hair along your hairline getting loose, you must retouch those braids. I wear micro extensions continuously for up to a year+ and I believe that the only reason I don't experience breakage is I touch up loose braids - particularly along the hairline - the minute I feel growth. I'm slower to get to the other braids...redoing one at a time as time allows, but I don't play with the hairline braids.

Also be careful how you style your braids: do not pull them back tight when putting into a pony tail.

And aim to use less extension hair per braid section so you're not exerting too much weight on the scalp. Be particularly meticulous when it comes to the hairline. And if you're really nervous, then just don't wear extensions there. Create bangs w/ your own hair, or do mini-cornrows w/o extensions at the front like I used to do just to be on the safe side. You can then add extensions to the "tails" of the cornrows or just camouflage them among the extension braids as I used to.
i agree as a self braider i pay very close attention to the hairline so that it doesnt break. I would say individual braids or cornrows as a way for your C&G or a combination of both. im natural so i do a leave in moisturizer(infusium 23) and then let my hair air dry and then proceed to braid without any product, when i am finish i go to work spraying them bad boys down. for the front i apply Profectiv no breakage and that seems to be working fine. HTH
Since you hair is almost APL, can your braid without using extensions?

I have been C&G since December and am having great success with this method. The best advice I received and have following religiously is to treat my hair in braids the same as I would treat my hair without. As a result, I wash, condition, use a good oil - emu, camellia, rice bran - deep condition weekly, etc. My hair is growing and there is no breakage when I undo them.

C&G can work well, as you know. I thinj the biggest harm can come from too-tight braids which is a problem you will not have because you'll be doing your own.

i could braid my own hair. but i was hoping to add some lenght. I did a trial braid and it went pretty well... the tutorial that was on the site was pretty easy for me to use. I thinl that my temples came out b/c the braids were both too tight and i left them in waaaaaaa to long. i may give it a shot..:)