crown and glory cheer


New Member
I think we need one. I am so tired of wearing braids. I'm not quitting; I'm in this challenge until late summer, but I am so very tired of wearing braids. I have good progress and expect to be close to shoulder length when I'm done, but, did I mention how tired I am of wearing braids.:ohwell: So far, I've trimmed off all of the icky parts and my hair is growing well - just over three inches since December. I am hoping by the time the challenge is over, I'll get another two to three inches. I would be thrilled beyond belief if I can be a healthy, full, thick, even ends shoulder or slightly below by the end of the year. This is my first goal and I know I can reach it - persistence and patience - I can do this.

I can do this, I really can. I know I am whining, but I'm not quitting.
I know what you mean I'm been in braids since december. Through my hair was little below shoulder length now I'm below my shoulder blade with a blow dry and light press:D . I want to come out of my braids but I feel I could squeeze a little bit more:) So, be inspired to go further and you will be rewarded.:)
I am right there with you ladies. I have been in braids for 1 month and I am ready to get these things out. I have a month and a half left to go. I am going to wash and rebraid and try to think of some nice styles to wear my hair in. Right now I am rocking the side ponytail. I have already done the half up in the front down in the back, and the headband. I don't like to wear them loose because I hate hair in my face.

I am a little below collarbone length now, I hope to be brushing APL by May:)
Just keep thinking about how much your hair will benefit from the regime! I am having a time of it with the braids as well - alot of NG so daily rebraiding (in different spots), plus I swim now and fitting a cap over these things on top of my already big head is a chore:lol: But it is easier with my workout routine in terms of dealing with sweat and styling, and mornings are SO much easier.

I do still love the way they look when they are fresh, that part I am not tired of yet. I have to get a DC routine down pat with the braids in however - thats what I am working on now.
Me too. I have been in braids going on three months. I'm not taken them out until June. They look so bad right now because i only redo three rows in the front and back. All i can do is try to keep my mind off of them.

I'm about to get real busy so that should help.:cool:
Thank you ladies; I knew you'd understand. I'm in for the long haul, but sometimes I lack patience. The braids do look good the first few days to a week, and then they start to get fuzzy. But you are correct, mornings are much easierand the rewards.., that will be worth the effort.

I have been taking pictures each month so when I complete my challenge, I will be able to begin my own fotki to share my progress.

Thanks ladies. I am better - I CAN do this.