*Crosses fingers* I'll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st time!


Well-Known Member
*Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st time!

Hey everyone....

Well, due to all the positive things I've been hearing about Dominican Salons, I finally got the urge to make an appointment at one for this Sunday. I live in Maryland, so I'll be going to Luisa's hair salon in Downtown Silver Spring. This isn't actually the first time I've been to her. One of my girlfriends always had beautiful hair. Her hair is always so thick, movable, and long! I heard that the best way to find a good stylist is to ask someone who's hair looks nice where they get their hair done. So, one day I asked her where she gets her hair done, and she said "Luisa's" and gave me the address. So, I went to her about a few years ago.

Well...the first time I have to admit, I wasn't used to all the "heat" that they use, and they blow dried the WHOLE shaft of my hair (then I didn't know I could just get the roots done). My hair came out so moveable (I had white girls flip-it kind of hair! LOL*) but it was just so whispy and kind of thin. So, I never went again.

But after the raves from you ladies, I think I may try Luisa's again. So I got an appt. with her for this Sunday. wish me luck!

I have a question...
Those of you who have been to Luisa's hair salon in silver spring, have you noticed a GOOD change in the strength, health, and length of your hair? Is she really all that good? The heat thing is kind of bothering me too, so is there any way you prepare for the heat? I don't want to DAMAGE my hair. But I just notice that my girlfriend has gone to her for years, and her hair has always looked stellar, and she swears by this salon.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st time!

Just want to say... 1) never been to luisa's but if you don't want ur hair blown out, don't get it blown... u can just get the rollerset (and ur roots blown if u have some newgrowth) and a doobie wrap. Next day, ur hair will be swingmatic AND bouncy from the rollerset. Good Luck!
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st time!

Ive been to Luisa's occasionally you can just tell them to hve your roots blown out. But you really dont have to get any type of blow out. You can just let them do a tight rollersetand then wrap your hair minus the blow out.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Oh thanks. Yep I'm definitely only getting my roots blown out. I don't think I'll ever have my whole shaft blown out again. But I was more wondering about her salon services now. I haven't been to Luisa's since her old place burned down, so I didn't know about this increase in price until I called the place. Is the service still GOOD there???

I don't like places that charge me a chunk of money, but treat me like crap. I used to go to this really REALLY expensive day spa/salon in Bowie (where I live) to get my hair done, and the people charged like $90 bucks for a relaxer touch up, deep condition and trim!! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I'm like WHAAAAA???? /images/graemlins/confused.gif It's a black woman-owned salon too! You'd "think" they'd be cheaper since there's obviously no "ethnic" fee. Humph. Needless to say, I don't go there anymore. I'm a poor college student. LOL* Now granted, the salon was really nice, but WAAAAY too expensive. All the services were a la carte! Go figure! And one lady who did my hair was just so nasty, rude, and conceited. Sorry to vent.

Anyway, so if anyone could tell me what I can expect when I go to Luisa's that would be great. You know, like will there be a long wait? Are the stylists nice? Do they listen to you?

I don't mind getting my roots blown out. Thanks for the advice ladies. I want to stretch my relaxer until 12 weeks. Currently I'm at week 8 and I feel like I'm dying! haha
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st time!


I've gone to Luisa's a few times. I only got my roots blow out (after a roller set). They did a great job.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Thanks Allandra for your experience. I'm just afraid because I don't speak spanish at all. I wonder if they talk smack about your hair behind your back in spanish. I've heard that some Dominicans don't like to do natural hair, or hair that is nappy at the roots. This may be just a misunderstanding, but this is just what I've read on other boards.
I just hope "Luisa's" isn't like this.

I've heard that there are some "good Dominican" salons, and some "bad dominican" salons. I guess what I want to know is if "Luisa's" is the GOOD kind.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Cosigning with c-c-queen...
I'm currently in my 5th week post relaxer with about 3/4 inch of growth. I need to look good this weekend, so I'm trying out a roller-wrap and getting a blow out at the roots.

Keeping my fingers crossed...
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

I hope it's all that you expect. Please, update us.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

OH yes...don't worry! I'll be sure to give you ladies an update on what I thought about the Dominican Salon this time around.

Don't you frequent the Dominican Salons? Or maybe I'm getting you confused with somebody else? Anyway, if you do frequent them, what has been your experience?
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Crys, I was the Dom Salon JUNKIE.

I was in there every week, until I moved from NYC. My experience with them (over 10 years) helped me understand my own, mixed texture hair. It was the first time, since I was a child, that I could maintain my length.

I don't knock other salons (AA), but I got the best results from going to them. I learned how to do my own roller set and blow out (cause they are not EVEN tryin' to show you how to do a blow out), but I still travel back to the city for my touch ups and color.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Cool! So you DID get some good results by going to them? That's great to hear. All I know is that my friend's hair always looks so healthy looking, and she's been going to the Dominicans for years. . Her hair has REALLy grown...so much so that she's surpassed my length! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif While my hair is about the same length it was 2 years ago, HER hair on the other hand is almost twice as long. She was the first one to recommend the salon to me. At the time I didn't know they were a "dominican salon" per se though.

Well, this gives me some hope! I'm crossing my fingers!

PS-HOw are they at combing your hair when it's wet? Are they gentle? Will they understand if I tell them to comb gently? One of my BIGGEST pet peeves with stylists is when they treat your hair like crap when it's wet. Hello! It's WET!! /images/graemlins/mad.gif My current stylist (AA) sometimes yanks my hair with a fine-toothed comb when it's wet, and I'm just thinking to myself: "why?? Just why??" I mean, do people really not know that your hair is weakest when it's wet? /images/graemlins/mad.gif

I just hope the Dominican salons don't do this.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Crystalicequeen123 said:
Thanks Allandra for your experience. I'm just afraid because I don't speak spanish at all. I wonder if they talk smack about your hair behind your back in spanish. I've heard that some Dominicans don't like to do natural hair, or hair that is nappy at the roots. This may be just a misunderstanding, but this is just what I've read on other boards.
I just hope "Luisa's" isn't like this.

I've heard that there are some "good Dominican" salons, and some "bad dominican" salons. I guess what I want to know is if "Luisa's" is the GOOD kind.

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't speak Spanish either, and I didn't have any problems. Good luck.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Regarding combing while wet, I had a rude awakening when I went to a dom salon where I currently reside. This lady proceeding to comb, my already damaged hair, as if she was raking leaves. She was just dragging the comb through so harshly that I had to tell her that I knew it would eventually all fall out, or be cut off, but I just wasn't planning on it happening at that very moment.

I learned from that experience that not all dom salons are equal, but I also learned to speak up /images/graemlins/blush.gifrders:

If the stylist doesn't speak English here are some key phrases to remember:

1. Por favor, me peina usted, suavemente = Please, comb my hair gently.

2. Tan duro = (that's) too hard, or too rough
3. Me pica = referring to the relaxer, it's burning, itching.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Oh thank you SO much Webby! Thanks too Allandra. I guess it just depends on which salon you go to.

Thanks also for those spanish words. I don't speak a lick of spanish. Do you just pronounce the words like they look? Gosh I wish I had taken some spanish in high school!

Yeah, see that was what I was afraid of. That some woman is going to rake a fine-toothed comb through my hair like a rake. LOL* I think I'll just tell them beforehand that my hair is very fragile. Shoot...I might even lie and tell them that I'm very tender-headed and have a sensitive scalp just so they don't try to scrub my scalp to death or run the comb through my hair like a mad-woman.

You see, I have fine hair (it's genetic I suppose), and so when my hair gets wet it's even MORE fragile.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Yes, you pronounce the phrases, just as they appear. Spanish is the only language that is pronounced, the same as it looks.

Girl, be on the watch for fine-tooth combs. I just don't want anyone coming my way with a fine-tooth comb, unless it's to do my rollerset.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Was this place B Natural? I use to go to them and they charge an arm and a leg, my friend worked for them and she wouldn't even get her hair done there and she didn't like the way the salon was run, and the staff turnover was HUGE! /images/graemlins/nono.gif

Crystalicequeen123 said:
I don't like places that charge me a chunk of money, but treat me like crap. I used to go to this really REALLY expensive day spa/salon in Bowie (where I live) to get my hair done, and the people charged like $90 bucks for a relaxer touch up, deep condition and trim!! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I'm like WHAAAAA???? /images/graemlins/confused.gif It's a black woman-owned salon too! You'd "think" they'd be cheaper since there's obviously no "ethnic" fee. Humph. Needless to say, I don't go there anymore. I'm a poor college student. LOL* Now granted, the salon was really nice, but WAAAAY too expensive. All the services were a la carte! Go figure! And one lady who did my hair was just so nasty, rude, and conceited. Sorry to vent.

[/ QUOTE ]
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

I've never been to a Dominican salon but I hope you have a great experience and I look forward to hearing about it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I may want to go to one in my area for a roller set one day.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

"Was this place B Natural?"

No, hahah...actually it's this place called "Beauty Bliss and Beyond". It's a really nice day spa owned by black women in the Bowie area. It's just that they charged you an arm and a LEG!! They even have thier own website if you want to check out their prices. Their prices were "BEYOND" rediculous! I'm sorry. But they give really good spa treatments.

The site is: www.beautyblissandbeyond.com
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st time!

I too am a Dominican salon junkie. This addiction began when I lived in New York City. I went to a salon called Mirror Image where they still charge $18 for a wash and set. I have never had to sit at that salon more than 2 hours. I went to them every week and my hair was absolutely beautiful. I'm talkin compliments from white folks. /images/graemlins/smile.gif That place was always packed with beautiful black sisters with thick, healthy long hair. I honestly didn't think that the average sister could grow hair like that until I started going to the DS.

After I moved to Maryland I found a few Dom Salons in the area; Luisa's, Jaselvis, and Sashe's. They are each owned seperately by 3 sisters and the majority of DS are started by folks who worked in one of these. The salons are decent but not as magical of an experience as my days in NYC.

I don't know who does your hair but I would reccommend that you ask specifically for Luisa. She does a pretty good job on my hair. They charge at least $35 for w & s so I don't go as often and my hair is suffering for it. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

Of course there are some drawbacks. They really don't use oil or pomades or grease on the hair, just a little gloss for shine. And depending on the slaon they can also be very loud, play loud music. Definately not your Bougie Black Day Spa Salon experience.

Just my two cents. Good luck!
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

I just have to say that you pronounce these phrases exactly like they look but they may look different to people who are not familiar with english and people who are familiar with english. For example, "me" in spanish is not pronounced like "me" in english. It's prounced like "may" in english. Also, "pica" wouldn't be pronounced like "pike-a"; it would be prounced like "peeka"

"a" in spanish is pronounced "ah"
"e" is pronounced like a long "a" in english
"i" is pronounced "eee" or a long "e" in english
"o" is pronounced like "o" in english
"u" is pronounced "ooo"

I just wanted to elaborate on Webby's lesson a little. HTH.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Aww...thanks so much ladies for your help! THanks also for the crash course in spanish! heehee! I'll definitely try to tell her "suavement" if she decides to go rough on my hair. I just remember last time her being kind of heavy handed with my hair, and this time I have newgrowth to deal with.

I'll be going tomorrow, so wish me luck! I'll give a full report when I get back!
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Well ladies, I'm BACK from my hair appt at Luisa's Hair salon (the Dominican Salon)!

Let me give you all the details...

Well, first of all I was really impressed with how I didn't have to wait long at all to get service. My appt was for 12:30, and I only waited maybe 5 min. to get into the wash chair, and by 1:00pm I was under the dryer. You CAN'T beat that!! The lady who washed my hair was really nice, and wasn't too rough with my hair at all. She conditioned my hair, and combed it out with the conditioner, and although I have about 8 weeks of newgrowth, I didn't feel my hair snagging the comb too much at all.

After rinsing my hair out, I went to get my hair roller set. I don't know WHAT she put in my hair, but I was REALLY surprised at how easy it was for her to run the fine-toothed comb through my hair for my roller sets. I mean, I have 8 weeks of new growth! YOu should have seen me when I first came into the place! I was looking a hot mess! lol*
But somehow, she was really gentle, and didn't have any problem whatsoever with doing my rollersets.

I sat under the dryer for about an hour (man that thing can get kind of hot!) and then had a stylist take the curlers out of my hair. Man, my hair felt so SOFT and BOUNCY!! I went ahead and let the lady blow out my ROOTS ONLY because I'm trying to stretch my relaxer to 13 weeks (the LONGEST I've gone). Well, that dryer was SMOKIN' hot! WHEW! HOtter than I imagined it would be. Especially towards the lower back part of my hair where my scalp is more sensitive. But the good thing is that the dryer wasn't on my hair for too long. Then, she pin curled my hair, and when she took my hair down, my hair was so moveable and BOUNCY! WOW!! So nice! My hair litterally looks like I've had a perm! My mom was even fooled! lol*

I really had a good experience at Luisa's. I'll definitely be back. I probaby won't go every week, but maybe every other week when my roots are really REALLY kinky and I'm trying to stretch.

I must say, most of the women that came into the salon and that had gotten their hair done had nice long, thick healthy looking hair. One lady had long moveable hair right down to her waist! IT was nice! And this other black woman had nice shoulder length hair that was thick and healthy looking. I even heard her say that she'd be back next week...so maybe this is a weekly thing for her?

Anyway, I LOVED it! Next time I may just get a roller set, because they do AWESOME roller sets. Plus, my hair is fine naturally to begin with, so I'll treat myself to a blowout only ONCE in a while. haha. I'll try not to make it a habit even though it does look really nice.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Glad to hear that you had a good experience. Did you take a pictures?
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Oh Crys, I knew that you wouldn't be disappointed. I am so happy for you /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

I'm so glad that you had a good experience.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Thanks guys! Yes, I did take pictures! I haven't figured out how to upload pictures from my new digital camera onto the computer yet, but when I do, I'll put up all of my hair pics! I've been taking some hair pics lately. I want to get a good album and then post a link up on the site.

OH! By the way! The BEST news of all is that my hair has SURPRISINGLY GROWN since I last got it trimmed, and that was just about 3 weeks ago! Wow! I think those Ultra Nourishair pills are finally paying off! lol*
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Crystalicequeen123 said:
I really had a good experience at Luisa's.

[/ QUOTE ]
/images/graemlins/clap.gif I'm so glad you had a good experience. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

I'm glad your experience was good. Can you tell us a little more about the pin curling, please? TIA.
Re: *Crosses fingers* I\'ll be going to a DOMINICAN SALON for the 1st t

Yea sure. All she did was she blow dried my roots breifly, and after each blow dry for each section she just curled my hair with her fingers and put a clip on it. After she had pinned up all of my hair in pin curls, she just took the hand held blow dryer and waved it all around my hair. When she took down my hair from the pin curls my roots were straight, but I still had a little curl to my hair at the ends! It was cool!