Crossed back over to the dark...moist..silky side

Sui Topi

New Member
And I'm not talking about relaxers...

I was running low on conditioner and I wanted to grab something while I was in the grocery. The organic section didn't have my favorite or anything I was interested in trying so, I brought home some HE None of Your Frizziness condtioner. I was a little apprehensive because I have not used silicones since I bced in march.. Well actually, there are silicones in my heat protectant that I've used maybe 3 times, but you know what I mean. Anyway I put it in and my hair was sooo silky. Also, I don't know why, but my wash n go that day was extra shrinky. I had to let it dry a bit and then stretch. Not to mention it took forever to dry. But yo! My hair is feeling silky like after I tried that salt thing. I looked in the ingredients and it has citric acid so I wonder, but anyway, I think I am going to stop being a snob to drugstore brands when I go up in there. This stuff has my hair feeling so soft even after it dries, after a blow out, after sleeping with no bonnet on a silk pillow.
I love None of Your Frizzness, it's is my absolute favortie conditioner to cowash with. I've yet to leave it in, but I may try it.
I love None of Your Frizzness, it's is my absolute favortie conditioner to cowash with. I've yet to leave it in, but I may try it.

I am about to go cowash again for the second time today with it. I just love how it feels in my hair. The only thing is now I have to shampoo more often with sulfate free poos, but I am not feeling any dryness so I guess everything is good in the hood