Croc 2 Infrared


New Member
I finally decided to bite the bullet and test out flat ironing my hair, and decided to buy a Croc 2 Infrared. Anyone else have one, and if so, what did you think of it? I found another thread via Google but it seemed to be only available through cache. I'll be sure to review it - I'm going to try it this weekend!

Yes, I was trying to attach the link for you and it's a no go! Can't wait for the review though!
If you were trying to get the link to that thread that was i think either last week or the week before, it keeps acting funky! I read the whole thing in cache but started a new thread for new responses...I'm ironing right now...not looking so good, lol!
It wasn't that I didn't like it...I dunno...I need to try a diff technique, this was the first time I ever straightened my natural hair, and my hair is VERY resilient. A lot of trial and error, but with flat ironing I can't really do that, ya know? Here's my post on my experience.

Seriously, I love my blow out so much more! I wanna do another one lol.
Aww look at Izzy! Lovely how she matches your couch lol. Came out pretty nicely though considering all the work you had to put in! Ugh I can't even imagine trying to straighten my hair, it's still too hot and meh feeling, not to mention I know all to well how hard it is to straighten with resiliant bueno.

Hey have you tried doing it with rollers-Izzy should be long enough...I think?
LOL I promise she is not that bright in's the flash on my camera! I didn't use rollers b/c Izzy takes FOREVER to dry when I twist/braid/curl I didn't mind blowing her out. That blow out was great!
Izzy is beautiful and I love the color. Wonder how we will know if it's the flat iron or the products or the technique when we are not pleased with our results?
Yeah, i too bought the croc after hearing rave reviews about it. I had a at 450 but it did not straighten my hair well. On the little pamplet, they say do not use any product on hair before flat ironing it which i didn't. Maybe that's why it came out like a poor blowdry.

I think i will stick to my maxiglide.
I will mail it back.
I :love2: my Croc2


Keep in mind my hair had been BKT'd about 2 months prior to this photo.
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ooooh the blowout was hawt!!!!

Im trying to decide on a flat iron right now its a toss up between the Croc2 and the hana professional ... hmmmmmmmmmmm
I think it was more my method and unwillingness to use high heat...please note I had NEVER straightened my natural hair and rarely even use direct heat (I usually air dry). My hair is very resilient to treatments, always has been, and when I had a relaxer I couldn't even use a flat iron on a medium heat setting. I think next time I iron I'm going to get a steamer first and steam my hair, then only use a HP. I know Croc says don't use styling products, but there is no way I'm going to flat iron without a HP!!