Criticized For Candy


Well-Known Member
I am helping the youth ministry at church raise a few dollars for supplies to be used with the children.

We decided to offer candy for sale for members who would like to support. A well meaning member pulled one of the leaders to the side to ask if selling candy in church is a violation of Matthew 21:13 "It is written," he said to them, "'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it 'a den of robbers.'"

The leader explained that this passage is more about taking advantage of the people by charging them exorbitant rates for animals required for sacrifice and giving them an unfair rate of exchange on currency. The well meaning member still insists that what we are doing is wrong.

I'd like to know your thoughts on this...
I am helping the youth ministry at church raise a few dollars for supplies to be used with the children.

We decided to offer candy for sale for members who would like to support. A well meaning member pulled one of the leaders to the side to ask if selling candy in church is a violation of Matthew 21:13 "It is written," he said to them, "'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it 'a den of robbers.'"

The leader explained that this passage is more about taking advantage of the people by charging them exorbitant rates for animals required for sacrifice and giving them an unfair rate of exchange on currency. The well meaning member still insists that what we are doing is wrong.

I'd like to know your thoughts on this...

How much is the candy? I will send you payment via PayPal including postage.

I'm serious!!! So please let me know.

Your Pastor gave the correct explanation of the scripture. The merchants were out for selfish gain. They were taking full advantage of the people who needed to make their sacrifice.

Raising funds for the children's needs is not the same. And I don't mind the extra pounds from the candy.
Shimmie has set an excellent example, as usual :) I will be happy to send a donation via paypal. However, I am in an area that is having record high temps right now, so it wouldn't be a good idea to ship any candy here. I'll just have to send the donation and live vicariously through Shimmie--LOL!

@momi-- please send me a pm
Shimmie has set an excellent example, as usual :) I will be happy to send a donation via paypal. However, I am in an area that is having record high temps right now, so it wouldn't be a good idea to ship any candy here. I'll just have to send the donation and live vicariously through Shimmie--LOL!

@momi-- please send me a pm
:giveheart: Hi @Blackpearl1993

I will share. I know all about the power of prayer and 'dry ice'. :yep: Expect some 'frozen' chocolate. :lol:
The lady sounds too unhappy to enjoy candy. Thank God she is not in the children's ministry!

For real... it's not a dope ring, it's just candy.

I'd also buy a Church dinner. Can't nobody fry up some lake trout and fried chicken like the women in the Church. The men can cook some mean meals too; ain't nothing like their Bar-be-cue. :spinning:

Add some collard greens, kale...and please don't forget the 'tater salad' and those glazed sweet potatoes/yams/honey butter carrots. Oh! And those warm homemade rolls, with real butter melted inside; and a huge slice of chocolate cake. :meditate:

Now, I'm hungry. I'll sponsor... :yep:
Shimmie has set an excellent example, as usual :) I will be happy to send a donation via paypal. However, I am in an area that is having record high temps right now, so it wouldn't be a good idea to ship any candy here. I'll just have to send the donation and live vicariously through Shimmie--LOL!

@momi-- please send me a pm

Thank you Sis! The sale is almost over now but I so appreciate your comments. Even though I felt my understanding of the scripture was sound I was beginning to feel guilty.
For real... it's not a dope ring, it's just candy.

I'd also buy a Church dinner. Can't nobody fry up some lake trout and fried chicken like the women in the Church. The men can cook some mean meals too; ain't nothing like their Bar-be-cue. :spinning:

Add some collard greens, kale...and please don't forget the 'tater salad' and those glazed sweet potatoes/yams/honey butter carrots. Oh! And those warm homemade rolls, with real butter melted inside; and a huge slice of chocolate cake. :meditate:

Now, I'm hungry. I'll sponsor... :yep:

I have NO business buying chocolates (my love!) and you ain't kidding. Don't pass on us catholics, the Knights of Columbus can fry up some fish and hush puppies during Fish Fry at Lent. Honey! I remember my last at my former parish and Dorothy and I were sitting there, kids were running all over the place lol...big families, we were just chilling on Friday...they these men were trying to get rid of the last HUGE nuggets of fried fish. I ate until I almost exploded. That was one of the best fish fry's I've EVER attended in me whole life. Men can fry fish and can barbecue.
I have NO business buying chocolates (my love!) and you ain't kidding. Don't pass on us catholics, the Knights of Columbus can fry up some fish and hush puppies during Fish Fry at Lent. Honey! I remember my last at my former parish and Dorothy and I were sitting there, kids were running all over the place lol...big families, we were just chilling on Friday...they these men were trying to get rid of the last HUGE nuggets of fried fish. I ate until I almost exploded. That was one of the best fish fry's I've EVER attended in me whole life. Men can fry fish and can barbecue.
Ohhhhhhhh my gosh...

Girl, you ain't lying one bit. Catholic fish fries are the bomb!!!

And as you shared above, there's always plenty left over for families to take home. Reminds me of Jesus with the 5 loaves and fish.

I love when the Churches come together for times like this. It's what God wants...folks coming together, sharing and enjoying one another. And I love it... Let the children run and play. No one is hurt, they're just being children... Happy and Free.

some things require funding that does not come from tithes and offerings. i bought a dvd set from bishop bloomer for 40.00. there were 2 dvd's. at first i thought it was expensive. then i remembered that the air time of these television airing ministries require financial support. children involved in church activities may get saved earlier. suffer the little children and forbid them not. red letter.
I have NO business buying chocolates (my love!) and you ain't kidding. Don't pass on us catholics, the Knights of Columbus can fry up some fish and hush puppies during Fish Fry at Lent. Honey! I remember my last at my former parish and Dorothy and I were sitting there, kids were running all over the place lol...big families, we were just chilling on Friday...they these men were trying to get rid of the last HUGE nuggets of fried fish. I ate until I almost exploded. That was one of the best fish fry's I've EVER attended in me whole life. Men can fry fish and can barbecue.

Ohh now I want some fried fish! lol