*Cristina Magic Satin Bonnet (My Review)*


Well-Known Member
I picked this bonnet up yesterday thinking it was a regular bonnet. Later on that night i decided to try it on and thats when i notice a fragrant smell coming from the bonnet,it smells like a light scented soap or lotion. I then read the advertisement that came with the bonnet it says:

Magic Satin with built in growth treatment
Longer,Stronger Hair in One Month,Guaranteed!

~Are you kidding me~?! :lol:

It gets better..This revolutionary new product will actually condition and moisturize your hair with a built in anti-breakage growth treatment while you sleep. All this from a satin bonnet! O-K. :rolleyes:

It also says:
Replace Magic Satin every 2 months. I guess within 2 months the special "growth treatment" would have evaporated from the bonnet,and if i want my hair to continue to grow i'll have to buy a new one O-K! :rolleyes: :lachen:

This sounds like a bit of false advertising to me. The manufactuer of this product makes it seem like this bonnet will make your hair grow like a weed and if you want continuous growth buy a new one every two months.

If i didnt have the proper knowledge on hair care i probably would fall for a product like this, but im wise enough to know that wearing a satin bonnet with a special "built it growth treatment" alone wont aid in the growth of your hair it takes much more than that!
Sweet_Ambrosia said:
If i didnt have the proper knowledge on hair care i probably would fall for a product like this, but im wise enough to know that wearing a satin bonnet with a special "built it growth treatment" alone wont aid in the growth of your hair it takes much more than that!

Same here, unfortunately some people don't have that knowledge and want the rewards without doing the work.
Seems like a great way to increase the sale of his product. Lets see, if one scarf cost $2 and if 2000 people by this every 2 months for one year that will be (2$ [ 2000 * 6 ] = $24,000. And if 5000 people buy this 60,000. AND IF 10000 people buy this then 120,000:eek: . Of course it is false advertisement but who care really
I am ashamed to say that I once bought one of those things with the oils in it. Firstly, the bonnet smelled a little weird and funky (I am sensitive to smells) and the smell eventually wore off. Also, some of those cheap satin bonnets have things that could snag on our hair. I'll never buy another one of those bonnets. Oh well, live and learn. :ohwell:
Well I bought a scarf on clearance and I really like it. There is definitely some type of conditioner on it or in it (!) My hair felt very soft in the morning
This is so funny, my SO picked up one of these for me thinking that it would grow my hair in amonth too, poor guy you gotta love him :lol:
I don't mean to hijack your thread but I also just roll my eyes at the ones with pics of miraclous hair growth...you see the wonderful befores and afters on many of the black and sassy brand products...that stuff does not work!
zigzag1 said:
Does this bonnet still work when it gets washed? Surely the conditioners get washed out?

Once you wash it the special ~conditioners & growth treatment~ will be washed out. And then its just a regular bonnet. ;)

On the back of the advertisment it actually says:

Do not wash Magic Satin or growth effect will be reduced.

:lol: Im sorry but this is funny to me. :lol:
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