Creme Moisturizers


New Member
Okay ladies. Does anyone know of a moisturizing creme that works well and doesn't stink to high heaven? Unscented would be even better.

I normally use a small amount of Humectress mixed with essential oil to moisturize my hair and ends daily. The smell is light and it works wonderful. Okay, my problem is I use Humectress for everything - my moisturizing conditioner, leave in/detangler and daily moisturizer. I find this great as it is my wonder product, but it goes so fast because I use so much.

I am trying to use the ORS Olive Oil moisturizer and cream in the tub as a daily moisturizers, my problem is they smell so loud. The oil moisturizer smells very perfumy and the Olive Oil in the tub has a heavy greasy smell. Both of these linger around my head
me no like that.

Any suggestions?
the olive oil creme moisturizer is too strong??? hmmm....its not strong enough for me, i love a good smelling head of hair and i wash my hair every 3 days so nothing stays around

of all the products ive used this is the least smelling one.....sorry cant help you on this
I like Frizz Ease Secret Weapon. It is light (both smell and texture), but it moisturizes and smooths very well for me. I tend to use it when my hair needs moisture but isn't TOO seriously dry, because it isn't greasy-feeling or really heavy.
Thanks ladies, writing these down and will be off to the BS tomorrow for a sniff, with the exception of the Kiehl's. I hear that is good though.

Honeydrop, I can't do strong scents in my hair. After a while it kind of makes me sick to my stomach.

Sunny, I never even thought to try the carrot oil. I love ORS products.

Pebbles and Allandra, thanks for your responses.

Thanks so much ladies my hair is looking good and growing!!
peace & love to all
I use ORS carrot oil on my ends and it's a creamy moisturizer.

If you like your current moisturizer, maybe you could try a cheaper version like using the Suave Professionals Humectant to create moisturizers and save the expensive version for actual conditioning.
i'v just fell in love with profectiive healthy ends. it's creamy but when you rub it on the consistancy changes; it's really lightweight as well.
See the post on UBH Creme Moisturizers. I think it like up to 18 pages of good information about that product. The next best thing I've tried was Elasta QP.
Dudley's PCA Mositure Retainer has no smell Nita and it's a great moisturizer...

I also use St. Ives Vanilla and Edelwiess a lot on my ends. Not expensive and moisturizes well.
I'll send you my profective healthy ends!! I wash my hair every three days, I loved profectiv the first day, but by the end of the second day my hair smelled like rotten fruit!! I couldn't stand it, I just had to wash it ahead of schedule. I loved the way it felt but the smell was horrible! I'm having the worst time finding a daily moisturizer
I just bought Redken moist ends and that seems to be working ok. I'll just have to wait and see!
Thank you ladies so much for the ideas. I knew someone would come up a really good idea. I really try not to shop unless I consult you all first.

Hairlove, thank you so much!! I do love my current moisturizer, it works so well and using a cheaper version is an excellent idea. I think that just might work!!

Tracy, I forgot about the Dudley's PCA moisture Retainer - I used mine up and forgot about it. It's good stuff, doesn't smell and I can get it at a local beauty shop.

I was getting really tired is sniffing bottles