Creamed coconut for hair?


New Member
I found this at a West Indian grocery. I bought coconut milk and then picked this up. It is creamed coconut and sugar. Would this work for a pre-treatment? I thought that because coconut milk worked so well that the creamed coconut would be good too. I was going to add oils and some of my Indian powders and other goodies to it.

It says that it is creamed coconut with some sugar. Does sugar harm the hair? The sugar is my only reservation.

TIA for your responses.
I know sugar can be used as a great exfoliater for the scalp. I am not sure in what other ways it can be used for the hair. I don't think it will harm your hair at all though. I have a sugar scrub that I use on my skin and it leaves my skin very soft and shiny. Hint Hint!!;) Maybe it will do the same for your hair. Try it and see what happens and report back to us ASAP.
All I know is that I made the mistake of putting sweetened coconut milk in my hair as a pre-poo and my hair was sticky and tangled as all hell during my co-wash. I finally broke down and shampooed(sp?) but it took a good long time to get it all out.
yeaaa you have to be careful...I WOULDNT ADVISE USING IT IF I WERE YOU...ive used something similar- cream of coconut..ITS LIKE A SYRUP ALMOST...its WAY toooo sugar saturated to work leaves your hair kinky, full of knots and VERY VERY STICKY!!!!:( I wouldnt use it if i were you...
meia said:
yeaaa you have to be careful...I WOULDNT ADVISE USING IT IF I WERE YOU...ive used something similar- cream of coconut..ITS LIKE A SYRUP ALMOST...its WAY toooo sugar saturated to work leaves your hair kinky, full of knots and VERY VERY STICKY!!!!:( I wouldnt use it if i were you...

Ditto! Don't do it!
meia said:
yeaaa you have to be careful...I WOULDNT ADVISE USING IT IF I WERE YOU...ive used something similar- cream of coconut..ITS LIKE A SYRUP ALMOST...its WAY toooo sugar saturated to work leaves your hair kinky, full of knots and VERY VERY STICKY!!!!:( I wouldnt use it if i were you...
Oh no, I saw that stuff and I stayed away. Is that in a can? I saw that ish and it had all types of ingredients, not only sugar. It looked like the base of a sugary or alchoholic drink. The one that I bought comes in a stick and is just creamed coconut and some sugar. The other one that you are talking about has tons of ingredients in it. Are any people familiar with this one?
I know sugar can be used as a great exfoliater for the scalp. I am not sure in what other ways it can be used for the hair. I don't think it will harm your hair at all though. I have a sugar scrub that I use on my skin and it leaves my skin very soft and shiny. Hint Hint!!;) Maybe it will do the same for your hair. Try it and see what happens and report back to us ASAP.
Maybe I'll use it to make soap for my skin. Now I'm afraid to put it in my hair after everyone's warnings. :eek:
asphyxxia said:
I'd probably end up eating it before it even gets to my hair.
I'd be scared too. It's too fattening. It's basically a stick of coconut with some sugar. Even though there are some delicious cakes or coconut based dishes (I am thinking of some yummy Thai dishes) that could be made out of it. Let me not thinking about it, or I will wind up pulling a Miss Piggy and going berserk on the two poor bars of creamed coconut and then having to run several futile miles of penance. :lachen:
ohh yea make me some pina coladas..hahaha..yeaaa its not bad to use for other purposes but by all means keep it from the hair..coconut milk works because its a fatty liquid that has no sweetner. no add-ins. thats why its effective on your hair and makes it more manageable because oil lubricates the hair..

sugar in your hair makes for a sticky mess altho honey is one of the few things that know what i did once yall? i heard that sugar and water made an effective gel..i used that ish..not only did i have bees chasing me but my head felt like a brillo pad laying in garbage water..i was so pissed:lachen: glad i neva did that again by accident..

see yalll i mess up so you can gain from my mistakes!! lol:lol:
I would agree with the other ladies and to stay away from it. i love coconut milk but I use kinds without added sugars and other sweetners in it. :)
tryn2growmyhair said:
Oh no, I saw that stuff and I stayed away. Is that in a can? I saw that ish and it had all types of ingredients, not only sugar. It looked like the base of a sugary or alchoholic drink. The one that I bought comes in a stick and is just creamed coconut and some sugar. The other one that you are talking about has tons of ingredients in it. Are any people familiar with this one?
I'm familiar with this product. My mother uses it in her rice and beans recipe. :lick: I agree that you probably should not use this as a hair product.