covering up hair at night


Well-Known Member
Maybe this has been asked before but I know to wrap my hair in a satin wrap or cap. However, I"m getting my hair straighten tomorrow and I usual wrap my hair around and tie it with a net and then put my satin cap on. Is that ok to use the net still or is that a no-no?

Or if the net isn't ok, I know you'll provide suggestions. Thanks in advance for the help.
i think its ok...i think westndnbeauty used a mesh/net wrap cap and put her scarf over it when her hair was flatironed
I would think that you'll get prints of the net on your hair, maybe not, but just something to think about! :ohwell:
I use a net and silk cap! I haven't experienced any negative effects from using a net and I've used one for many, many years.
Thanks ladies for the advice and input. I didn't get my hair straighten today because I need to pay my half of the groceries for Thursday but I will soon, if funds and time permits. (i'm getting my first dominican blowout) I did use the net last night and it did good. My hair did ok even thought I kept it in two ponytails.