Counterfeit or no?


Well-Known Member
I ordered Herb Ego off of Amazon. The product arrived in a box with shrink wrap over it. When I opened the box the bottle was wrapped as to keep it from moving around in the box. However, when I took the wrap off I noticed that the wrapper was a piece of USPS bubble wrap (see pic for reference). I immediately thought this was strange since this product is made in Italy. I’ve never used this product before so I don’t have anything to compare it to as far as smell or even packaging goes. Has anyone used this product before, if so, is this the normal packaging?pic.jpgpic.jpg
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I've never used this product but I shop off Amazon, quite frequently.

I usually check to see if the product was sold/shipped by Amazon vs fulfilled by Amazon. The former means that it was shipped from the company directly to Amazon. If not, I would contact the seller, verify their address in Google, and check their store rating by clicking on their name.

You can also reach out to the company, by email or on IG, directly, to verify if they sell on Amazon and if not, who are their authorized vendors. I bought a skincare serum from Amazon and the color was off from when I buy it directly (didn't want to spend on shipping, etc.) so I contacted Pacifica Beauty via IG, they verified they have authorized dealers through Amazon but could not guarantee the efficacy or quality of the product as they do not know how it was stored once delivered to the authorized vendor.

So in this case it's plausible that it is authentic and the 3rd party vendor used that packing material to transport it to Amazon. Then it may be best to ask the vendor why it was stored like this and to ensure efficacy.

Sorry that my answer is so vague. I wish I used the product and could tell you forsure.

I hope others will chime in with their knowledge.