Could you all just pray for me?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies.
I don't really post on LHCF that much these days, but I was wondering if you guys could say a prayer for me?

Nothing life shattering is going on, but I am going through a really rough patch right now. A lot of great things had been happening for me, but within the past 2 weeks several things have happened which have been really hurtful for me. I've been crying a lot (which I absolutely hate to do) and have not really been able to sleep. It's also very hard for me to focus on work.

I feel bad because, like I said, it's nothing earth shattering but it's enough to make me really depressed right now.

Thank you all so much ladies.

Awww, sweetie- I had no idea!!!

You could have called and talked to me!

I didn't get a chance to call you last night- went to sleep early but I will definitely give you a call tonight.

Hey Ladies.
I don't really post on LHCF that much these days, but I was wondering if you guys could say a prayer for me?

Nothing life shattering is going on, but I am going through a really rough patch right now. A lot of great things had been happening for me, but within the past 2 weeks several things have happened which have been really hurtful for me. I've been crying a lot (which I absolutely hate to do) and have not really been able to sleep. It's also very hard for me to focus on work.

I feel bad because, like I said, it's nothing earth shattering but it's enough to make me really depressed right now.

Thank you all so much ladies.


Of course, I'll pray for you. One thing you should remember is this: This to shall pass! God is working in you to will and to do His good pleasure.

I pray that your spirit be renewed and filled again. In the name of Jesus let the hand of God empty your vessel of anything that is not of you, and replace your mourning with rejoicing. May your beautiful heart beat with the knowledge that God feels and hears your sadness, even if you do not understand the source. I pray God sends joy in your spirit, unspeakable joy.

Thank you soo much. I have been trying to get onto this site all day so that I could respond to you all. I can't get to it from work, so I can only access it from my phone. The phone wouldn't let me type anything, though

I just have to say thank you so much to each of you.
Mz Lady, I know you didn't know. It's okay. I would have told you when you called. No rush.

I just wish I could say it was one thing specific that I'm down about, but it's not. There are just a bunch of little things that is just one big thing I guess.

Anyway, just seeing that you all responded made me feel sooo much better. You just really don't know.

Thank you all again.
I'll send one out to you tonight. I'm going through some things too, but I'm just going to turn it over to God. Just turn it over and you will find peace.
Thank you ladies.

I feel so bad b/c I know other people have more pressing issues, but I'm just really down.

I hate this.
Thank you ladies.

I feel so bad b/c I know other people have more pressing issues, but I'm just really down.

I hate this.

Sweetie don't convict yourself for using the spiritual network God has provided you. We're here to interced for one another.:kiss:

Hey Ladies.
I don't really post on LHCF that much these days, but I was wondering if you guys could say a prayer for me?

Nothing life shattering is going on, but I am going through a really rough patch right now. A lot of great things had been happening for me, but within the past 2 weeks several things have happened which have been really hurtful for me. I've been crying a lot (which I absolutely hate to do) and have not really been able to sleep. It's also very hard for me to focus on work.

I feel bad because, like I said, it's nothing earth shattering but it's enough to make me really depressed right now.

Thank you all so much ladies.


Psalm 126:5
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.:yep:
Tye, you are on my list:grin:

Take care and know God's gonna work it out in the end.

Sometimes it isn't eath shattering..depression works like that. I deal with it somwtimes too, even though I know I am fully blessed and cared for.
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Ladies, I just have to say thank you all again.

You just really do not know how much your prayers and thoughts have meant to me.

Thank you all.
Thanks for reaching out. It shows you know we care about you and you trust us. Sending up a prayer. Remember there is nothing too small or too large for our Father to handle.