Could we get a spellcheck function?

You could use the one in Mozilla or IE - you should be able to switch it on in the settings tab or something....???
If you use Internet Explorer, download ieSpell It is free will be integrated with your browser.

If you use Firefox or Google Chrome, there is a spell check already integrated with the browser
Safari and Modzilla already have tells me I spelled the word wrong, but wont tell me how to spell it right!!!
When you misspell a word, do you all get the red line under it notating the misspelling? I just right click and change it to the correct spelling.
It's called Firefox :) Really it's the best. It makes life easier. Give up IE (if that's what you're using) it's so prehistoric.
My computer does it automatically. It does the MS word squiggle. I use google chrome. Not sure if that makes a difference