Could the source of my itchies and scalp irritation be biotin?


Active Member
Has anyone else experienced EXTREME itchy scalp (especially in the crown) when taking biotin?

recently, I did a little test. I stopped all vitamins and all topical scalp treatments (bt and eo blend) and my scalp was fine. A few days later I reintroduced the scalp treatments with no vitamins - scalp was still fine. As soon as I started the vitamins again, (muti, b complex and biotin) my scalp went on a rampage.

The itching was unbearable and had little bumps on my scalp. I literally wanted to rip every strand of hair from my scalp, it was so bad. :perplexed

Could this be an allergy or was that just some serious scalp stimulation? I was taking Solary (5 mg) biotin from vitamin shoppe.
I get a tingling sensation, a tickle. I just attribute it to the surge of growth I'm experiencing as a result of the increase of biotin 5 mg I'm taking. I saw some older threads regarding this. You should do a search.

HTH :)
My scalp itched and I starting getting really large cystic acne around my jaw and cheeks when I upped my Biotin to 5K. I headed straight to my derm and then reduced the Biotin strength to 2500. I'm doing much better now. I don't think I can handle 5K Biotin.
This happens to me when I'm experiencing a growth spurt. I try to wash more often and massage my scalp and it really seems to help.:look: