Could protein make my hair stretch too much?


New Member
My last two protein treatments made my hair VERY elastic. I believe it's specifically keratin protein. I think it stretches too much too because it doesn't go back to it's original state. At least not very much and this is with pulling one strand of hair gently. Is this a big problem? Do I need to get a serious protein treatment like Aphogee--not the keratin one of course. Any advice or comments welcome. TIA
Hmmm, I would be extra careful with wet styling so the hair doesn't break when it retracts/ dries... Sorry I couldn't be of more help :ohwell:.
Yeah, what she careful with using too much proteins, you may have to alternate your deep treatments between proteins and moisture treatments, JMO.
Thanks ladies...bumping for more responses. I thought protein was supposed to harden the hair, not make it more elastic...:confused:
Wishin4BSL said:
Thanks ladies...bumping for more responses. I thought protein was supposed to harden the hair, not make it more elastic...:confused:

Certain proteins do make your hair hard and dry, that's why they would require a moisture treatment afterwards i.e. Aphogee. This is a hard-core protein, not to be messed with.

Other proteins/Polymeric Reconstructors- are not as harsh, are more moisturizing and will make your hair elastic i.e. Aphogee Keratin Reconstructor, Affirm 6 in 1 etc.

The main purpose of protein is to strengthen the hair, not necessarily harden it. Depending on the level of the protein, your hair will react a certain way. Hardcore proteins such as Aphogee, serve one purpose, that is to fill in the missing protein bonds/end breakage. They may dry your hair out in the process, They contain straight protein source (no fillers or moisturizers) such as Animal protein, Human hair Keratin etc. This is why after such a hardcore treatment it is recommended that you follow up with a moisturizing treatment, because although this treatment strengthens your hair it will dry it out.

The other type of protein is pretty strong but not as potent as Aphogee, these products often refered to as reconstructors strengthen your hair and make it elastic. Products such as Nexxus Emergencee, Aphogee Keratin Reconstructor, Affirm 6 in 1 are all examples of reconstructors that make your hair elastic. They contain some emollients to make hair softer too.

I'm sure someone will correct me or add to about different levels of proteins. HTH.
Wishin4BSL said:
Thanks Alli77, that was very helpful. I just thought I was doing something wrong!

SOunds like your doing everything okay, elasticity can be a good thing. Did you see SistaSlick's post on proteins/elasticity?She knows her stuff.