Could my Vitol Great Hair be the culprit??


New Member
Okay I have been using this plus other supps and I am getting growth,1/2+ per month, but certainly not enough to justify my use/cost of vitamins.

Last night I discovered that it could my Vitol -the vitamin whose label has so much good stuff on it. I dont think its breaking down in my body because I sat it in a glass of water for hours with out it dissolving now I am crushing it before I take it to try not to waste any more money...

Anyone else taking Vitol or have any experience with it? Comments please
Sorry, no experience with Vitol, but as far as digesting vitamins, here's a couple things to remember:
1. Some vitamins are time-release so they're not supposed to break down immediately.
2. The temp inside your stomach is much hotter (and remains hotter) than the glass of water you plunked the vitamin in.
3. If you take your vits with food (as most require), then they break down much more efficiently than just on an empty stomach.

I just started taking Vitol biotin in late July because Tracy gave me some at the NYC Meeting. I take it along w/ my PP biotin (which is what I took before). It hasnt been long enough for me to post a review or a comparison between the two biotins yet...
iCandey, I have been using Vitol Great Hair for 3 weeks now. It's time-released which to me means it doesn't and isn't supposed to dissolve easily, but is supposed to be broken down slowly in the course of the day. (I'm not sure how they make sure you don't excrete it before it's broken down... Probably they go by the argument that food you eat takes about 24 hours to go through your gut all the way to the end... so they expect the Vitol to be assimilated in that time.)

I only just started taking hair supplements about three weeks ago so I can't really say whether Vitol Great Hair is good or not. Haven't given it enough time to see results. But what attracted me to it was the fact that it had biotin and B5 together in high amounts as well as niacin (needed for biotin absorption) and L cysteine and...all the other good stuff. I also liked the term "time-released" coz it said to me "won't lose most of it when you pee". JMHO
Okay I did notice it was time released but I am just concerned that it leaves before it all dissolves inside of me..
Thanks for the tips, I will start taking it with food now as well, I did not know that it made a difference..

...thanks guys....
I have taken Vitol great hair before ,and my hair grew like a weed. The only major problem I had is that my nose itched a lot and I sneezed like nobody's business. When I stopped taking Vitol my sneezes and nose itches also stopped.

What you have isn't biotin...

It's a full scale hair vitamin. It has an ice hefty DOSE of biotin but it has a lot of other things too
Sorry if I didn't make that clear lady girl ...

You have what they are talking about on this thread - Vitol Great Hair....

And I think stomach acids help as well iun breaking down substances that enter the bloodstream orally. But I ain't no doctor...
Okay, maybe i need something else to give my hair another boost...I started eating more eggs too..and I will wait and see if this Foti works like it has for some also...