Could my EDGES be so SHORT because....


Well-Known Member
...I need to spot-relax them/relax them more often?

A stylist told me this one time and I didn't believe her. I figured she was just holding on to old-fashioned traditions. But I'm starting to believe her now.

First of all, my edges do grow. So, it's not as if I have hair problems in that area. I do think that they're thinner than the rest of my hair, but they still shouldn't be so short.

Just recently I did an experiment and stopped sleeping rollers, thinking that maybe that was contributing to it. But I think I've still had some breakage since and I think it's do to the demarcation line.

So, I might start relaxing my edges every 2-3 weeks for 2-3 min or so. I know that sounds so scary, but I think that might help. I know that as far as my crown is concerned, stretching is a big no-no. And I'm thinking this may be the case for my edges as well.

Any thoughts? I don't think relaxing your edges every 2-3 weeks will help. People usually do the opposite and not relax the edges/nape as much if it is breaking.
You need to go ahead and put that under the "Worst lies my hairdresser every told me" thread!:mad: A lot of ladies here have nursed edges back to health through scalp massages, babying that area, and not relaxing it everytime they get a touchup. If you do a search you should come up with some really good advice. But I would say definitely do not relax it more often! I can't believe a hairdresser would tell you something like that, relaxing is the most damaging process you could do to your hair, and she wants you to do it to an already damaged area more often??:confused:
I knew I would get those responses. LOL. Anyway, I'm going to give it a try. My hair is where it needs to just be one texture and that's it....either relaxed all the way or 4b all the way.
itismehmmkay said:
...I need to spot-relax them/relax them more often?

A stylist told me this one time and I didn't believe her. I figured she was just holding on to old-fashioned traditions. But I'm starting to believe her now.

First of all, my edges do grow. So, it's not as if I have hair problems in that area. I do think that they're thinner than the rest of my hair, but they still shouldn't be so short.

Just recently I did an experiment and stopped sleeping rollers, thinking that maybe that was contributing to it. But I think I've still had some breakage since and I think it's do to the demarcation line.

So, I might start relaxing my edges every 2-3 weeks for 2-3 min or so. I know that sounds so scary, but I think that might help. I know that as far as my crown is concerned, stretching is a big no-no. And I'm thinking this may be the case for my edges as well.

Any thoughts?

You may need to just add extra moisture if you have breaking at the demarcation line.

Just my observation with my own hair that if I give my hairline a little extra moisture it does really great. I also have to be careful not to pull or tug it. That also goes for my nape as well.

I mean sure, I guess do what you think you need, but relaxing every 2-3 weeks may not help at all and may do much more serious damage.

However, there are some people that put relaxer on from root to tip every 4 weeks and have no problems at all (they're just not human I tell ya!:lol: )

good luck with that.

if you are trying to get your edges to grow long i don't see how that's going to work

but, i know a lot of people with really short cuts who relax frequently, but they are constantly cutting their hair and not worried about growth

i just checked out your album your natural hair was too cute why did you decide 2 relax again?
How are you styling your hair? This may have something to do with it. But I agree with the other posters, I don't think its a good idea to relax the edges sooner.
My reccomendations would be to stop using a brush (if you use one), cease wrapping (if you do). Please don't relax every 2-3 weeks! Give your hair a break by moisturizing and massaging your scalp daily.
itismehmmkay said:

So, I might start relaxing my edges every 2-3 weeks for 2-3 min or so. I know that sounds so scary, but I think that might help. I know that as far as my crown is concerned, stretching is a big no-no. And I'm thinking this may be the case for my edges as well.

Any thoughts?

ummm, do that if you want NO edges. Seriously. I know you've probably seen some women walking around with no edges looking like they may have a very, VERY bad receding hairline. Yeah... they probably relaxed those edges every couple of weeks.

If your hairline is breaking, try stretching your relaxer ESPECIALLY the hairline and keep from having your edges pulled with rollers, ponytails, etc.
That makes no sense. You are just relaxing the same hair over and over and over again if you are doing it every 2 to 3 weeks.....but it's your hair. Experiment away....
so1913 said:
That makes no sense. You are just relaxing the same hair over and over and over again if you are doing it every 2 to 3 weeks.....but it's your hair. Experiment away....

Exaaactly! You run a VERY high risk of overlapping which causes serious breakage. My edges were thinning something serious because I used to relax every 5 weeks. Personally I would texlax those edges when you do relax (NOT every 2-3 weeks) and moisture, moisture, moisture, protein, etc...

I'm sorry, but I don't think you will get any support from people around here to relax every 2-3 weeks.

Please research this more before you actually do it. May just be a way that your stylist is trying to get more money:(
You edges are possibly short because of
1. dryness
2. rubbing (hats, sleeping, etc.)
3. wearing a tight scarf
4. tension at the hairline (ponytails, wigs, other stressful hair styles)

I noticed a difference when I moisturized more (sta sof fro or S-Curl) and losened my silk scarf at night.

In all honesty, I'd find another stylist. Anyone who tells you to relax every 2-3 weeks should NOT be doing hair. Trust me girlie, don't do it.
I put water and a leave-in conditioner on my edges everymorning. I do relax them when ever I do a TU, but I only apply the relaxer to my edges during the last 5 minutes. So I only relax them for about 5 mins. everytime I do a TU (every 7-8 wks). I find that these steps help to keep my edges soft and full.
Your stylist needs to be shot for telling you 2-3 weeks if that is what she told you. My ends are fragile and fine so I go light on the braids around and spray them daily and I needed when I do my touch up a mix the relaxer with olive oil for my edges and leave it on for a couple mins. HTH