Could it be the Biotin??????

Hi Ladies,

I've been taking my vitamins religiously for about 2 months. Drinking about 50-60 oz of water a day (Iz stay in the bathroom :lachen: ) About 2 weeks ago I noticed what I thought were mosquito bites. They are on my legs and arms and itch like crazy!!! Now I know they are not 'bites'. They appear for a couple of days then disappear (unless I've been scratching...then there's a mark) Could it be reaction to the biotin? I don't suffer from alergies and I haven't done anything different with my diet except the vitamins. Please help!!!!! ANYONE!!!! I'm desparate!!!!

Itchy karmelsassy
I've been hearing the ladies talking about itching from taking Biotin and I just don't want to overract, but I have broken out on my face (and I NEVER have pimples) 3 times recently since I started taking Biotin and sometimes my entire face just itches like crazy. The pimples are not cute either.......

I have examined everything else to see what it could be cause I don't want to jump on the bandwagon and just say that's what it is just because everyone else is saying it and at the same time I don't want to listen to my body and don't want to continue taking it if that's the true cause of my breakout woes...
blackbarbie said:
I have examined everything else to see what it could be cause I don't want to jump on the bandwagon and just say that's what it is just because everyone else is saying it and at the same time I don't want to listen to my body and don't want to continue taking it if that's the true cause of my breakout woes...

Same thing here. I've been driving myself crazy wondering what I've done to cause this. Honestly, I hope it's not the Biotin cause my hair is really growing. But if my body doesn't like it...then I have to find something else...sigh :(
I think it could be the Biotin.
A while ago I tried taking Brewer's Yeast (which is apparently high in Biotin), I took it for 2 days and woke up on the second night because I was so itchy!
I got big lumps like mosquito bites too. I stopped taking the Brewer's Yeast immediately but my skin was itchy for about a week afterwards.
It's probably the Biotin, I had the worst itches and tiny bumps all over my face and body, once I stopped taking the biotin these symptoms disappeared.
I can definitly relate to this. i posted a thread about this last week. what is the strenght of the biotin you was taking. mine was 2500mcg and all the itching was driving me insane. as soon as i stop taking the pills the itchng stoped. i think i will try a weaker dose like 1000mcg or lower and see how it works.
It is... same thing happened to me, although, the woman at the health food store said Biotin is water-soluble and if you "overdose" on it, it flushes out of your body.

That's a lie... I would suggest discontinuing until your condition clears up, and then take it maybe every other day and see how that goes.

Keep in mind, if you take a multi-vitamin, especially an MV for women, it too contains Biotin.
PerfectDoak said:
I think it could be the Biotin.
A while ago I tried taking Brewer's Yeast (which is apparently high in Biotin), I took it for 2 days and woke up on the second night because I was so itchy!
I got big lumps like mosquito bites too. I stopped taking the Brewer's Yeast immediately but my skin was itchy for about a week afterwards.

That's exactly what they look like...mosquito bites but when I scratch them they become lumps. I guess I gotta cut out or cut the dosage down.
Sassygoddess said:
I can definitly relate to this. i posted a thread about this last week. what is the strenght of the biotin you was taking. mine was 2500mcg and all the itching was driving me insane. as soon as i stop taking the pills the itchng stoped. i think i will try a weaker dose like 1000mcg or lower and see how it works.
I'm currently taking 5,000 mcg of biotin. I haven't any problems wth them until now and I've been taking them for 2 months! I'm gonna stop with the Biotin and try a lower dosage. This itching is killin me!!!
My scalp friggin itches!! :eek: And I only took 300 mcg of Biotin. I should drink water daily, huh? :lol: I haven't drank much water in awhile. It doesn't help that I'm getting a relaxer tomorrow. I haven't scratched and I don't intend to.
Now I just add Biotin to my conditioner or shampoo. Same thing happened to me and it was like poison ivy on the back and side of my leg (the itchiest rash ever) and UGLY BREAKOUT PIMPLES ON THE TOP TIP OF MY NOSE ON THE SIDE OF MY NOSE AND IN THE MIDDLE OF MY FOREHEAD AND ONE ON THE SIDE OF MY TEMPLE AND THE ITCHING WENT ON FOR WEEKS ON MY LEGS.!!!!!! I thought it was because I had been bitten by mosquitoes, but when they started happening long after there were mosquitoes I still was not sure. But now that I stopped taking them...(500mcg) the nightmare ended. I will say that they do not just flush out of your system only. They flush out of your skin and leave a trail sometimes. I had to stop the MSM because I got tired of detoxing as soon as it hit a saturation point. Result: MSM shampoo and conditioner. Cheaper than buying those shampoos and conditioners. bonjour
I think pure msm liquid made me break out with welts. I stopped about a week ago and the itching is just starting to subside.