Could it be-no-lye better for me


New Member
Anywho, I was pondering the condition of my hair today and did some deductive reasoning. Lately my hair has been thin on the ends (my edges also) I switched to a lye relaxer about a year after reading a book (the infamous Shamboosie) and I think that I was Shamboozled.
After a lot of thought I decided to try a no lye relaxer as my next retouch and like magic my hair was restored to its past vitality. After I have preached to everyone about damaging nolye relaxers I think that my hair responds better to them. I'll see for sure after my next wash but the breakage has ceased so far. I'm just confused.
Are lye relaxers harsher on the scalp? Maybe that's why they don't work for me. Anyway just wanted to see what you ladies thought and any ladies who use no lye without a problem talk to me. Thanx guys.
Toyagirl, I have never used a lye relaxer but I know that my hair is working too good with the no-lye. My hair has always been thick and long. I read Shamboosie's book also but after reading Cathy Howse book I decided to stick with what I know.
Toya, oddly enough I feel the same way. I was going to switch to lye but I thought why rock the boat, no lye works for me.

Toya, I'm a little freaked out, you have my name, you live in my state, and you have my birth year...
I had a post a while back about "Hair liking bad things" like mineral oil, and SLS shampoos. I think this fits into that case. People say lye is better (I won't try it
)but your hair said NOPE! I LIKE NO LYE so I guess you have to listen

My hair likes SLS shampoos
Go figure
I was thinking about this recently. Prior to me going natural I used no-lye and my hair did well. now I use lye and my hair is always a tangled mess, my first relaxer seemingly did well. I wonder If I could go back to no-lye with no problems. I'm going to give lye one more chance I'm going to try either PCJ or motions mild.

I have used both and despite all of the "no lye is bad for your hair", my hair is thicker and my scalp is not burnt to a crisp like it was when I used a lye relaxer. No-lye relaxer for me!
I used to use lye super because my hair was thick. No-lye mild works great for me. I don't think its a "bad thing thats good for your hair". In that case all relaxers are because they breakdown your hair strand. Its less akaline and its only applied to your body 5 or 6 times a year for 20 to 30 mins. Less burns, my hair shines. Growing nicely. Different things work for different people.
If it ain't broke..............
After I have preached to everyone about damaging nolye relaxers I think that my hair responds better to them.

[/ QUOTE ]

I always thought the opposite. I was told that lye relaxers were too harsh and would cause your hair to fall out. I've never used one and don't plan to. Just think, if I experience a little breakage with no-lye, putting a lye relaxer on my hair might cause more damage.
I think if the no-lye works better for you, you should stick with it! It works great for my hair, too. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I switched to no-lye recently and my scalp has been better off. I suffer from scalp dermatitis, but haven't had a flare-up since the switch.
I have been using no-lye for years but, since coming to LHCF I have switched to lye. This is my second relaxer using lye and I don't see a difference after I relax it except my hair isn't do dead. Where I see the difference is with my new growth. When I was using no-lye I couldn't go past 6 weeks because my new growth was hard and I couldn't control it. No matter what I would put on it I couldn't even put it in a decent bun. This time I when to 8 weeks before relaxing and I was able to manage it very well. I was able to wear a bun. I didn't get that much breakage everyday (about 5-10 strands). I haven't had any regrets switching to lye.
/images/graemlins/lachen70.gif Shamboozled! I love that! Too clever...Anyway, my new hairdresser wanted to give me a no-lye relaxer in Aug and gave me a huge speech about why it was better. After using lye my whole life, I had images of my hair falling out. I actually had to put off my touch-up one day because he had to order affirm lye relaxer! This is an interesting thread, because the responses are definitely debunking some of the beliefs about no-lye. I almost fell out of my chair when he told me he was going to put no-lye on my hair! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif Maybe I should have let him? Anyway, I will prob. stick to lye, but it is good to know that no-lye isn't all around bad like they say.
I am so glad I happened upon this thread. Since I have been exclusively using lye, i have noticed my hair is much, much thinner now. I stretch my relaxers and only get a relaxer about 3-4 times per year but I have still noticed excessive thinning and I recently had to chop my hair up to my ears due to a bad relaxer touch up by a "professional"

When I used no-lye, my hair seemed much thicker. But I was also told by someone that hair can start thinning as you get older....not sure if it is age or the lye, but I am certainly willing to give no-lye a try again.

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Interesting Thread! I tried Affirm Lye (fiberguard) it was nice, but my scalp didn't like it at all. It was too strong. I went back to no-lye this past summer. In June I used Phyto Relaxer and just on the 25th December I used Kids Organics No-Lye. I'm not sure which I like best. In anycase, my hair is loving it much better than the Lye, and that no Lie ... lol! My hair seems to have more body and .... umpffff
ballet_bun said:
Interesting Thread! I tried Affirm Lye (fiberguard) it was nice, but my scalp didn't like it at all. It was too strong. I went back to no-lye this past summer. In June I used Phyto Relaxer and just on the 25th December I used Kids Organics No-Lye. I'm not sure which I like best. In anycase, my hair is loving it much better than the Lye, and that no Lie ... lol! My hair seems to have more body and .... umpffff

So how did you like the Kids Organics no-lye, is it mild?
CICI24 said:
So how did you like the Kids Organics no-lye, is it mild?
I really like it. I added a little bit of AO conditioner to it, but I like it. It was mild on my scalp. But as it stands, I still don't know if I like Kid's Organics better or Phyto Relaxer. The only thing with Phyto Relaxer is that if I wait 5-6 months to relax, there's barely enough for me to do a touch up, I would almost need 1.5 jars of Phyto to do the job properly :eek: . That's too much!