could I please ask for some of you to pray w/ me


Well-Known Member
I'm feeling so tired. I can't explain it any other way. I don't want to give up on life but right now, I need God to do something new in my life. I feel myself sinking into depression, feeling like all the things that I desire aren't going to happen. I know I'm not a "good" Christian. I've fallen so hard. I'm trying to walk away from this relationship, I really am. It's hurting me so much. I miss the happy me. I miss the person that was strong and didn't allow herself to be used or mistreated, the person who guarded her heart. Now, I just feel lost. I feel overwhelmed w/ emotion. I just feel blah! I don't want to give up on God but right now, I need some support. I need a genuine hug. I need a kind word. I really do. I do for others so I don't think about how depressing my little life is. Then I feel guilty for feeling worthless because technically I have everything. I'm a 31 year old home owner, degreed 2xs, good job, good family, nice car, I have nothing to complain about but yet and still I feel unfulfilled, lonely, abused, used, and sad. I asked God, why did you put me here? I look good on the outside but on the inside I'm garbage. I don't really have anyone to talk to so I pour myself out here. Thanks ladies.
nychaelasymone said:
I'm feeling so tired. I can't explain it any other way. I don't want to give up on life but right now, I need God to do something new in my life. I feel myself sinking into depression, feeling like all the things that I desire aren't going to happen. I know I'm not a "good" Christian. I've fallen so hard. I'm trying to walk away from this relationship, I really am. It's hurting me so much. I miss the happy me. I miss the person that was strong and didn't allow herself to be used or mistreated, the person who guarded her heart. Now, I just feel lost. I feel overwhelmed w/ emotion. I just feel blah! I don't want to give up on God but right now, I need some support. I need a genuine hug. I need a kind word. I really do. I do for others so I don't think about how depressing my little life is. Then I feel guilty for feeling worthless because technically I have everything. I'm a 31 year old home owner, degreed 2xs, good job, good family, nice car, I have nothing to complain about but yet and still I feel unfulfilled, lonely, abused, used, and sad. I asked God, why did you put me here? I look good on the outside but on the inside I'm garbage. I don't really have anyone to talk to so I pour myself out here. Thanks ladies.


Girl, I know how you feel and I will most certainly be praying for you. Even when things get so dark that you can't see your way, remember that God will never leave you nor forsake you. You are His Child. His crowning act of creation, made in His very image. I know thisi s hard to remember when you are going through 'it'. Trust me, I do. This time will require all the faith you have, prayer and support. I know you will find plenty of prayer and support right here.

God bless you girl!
You will be in my prayers. I understand where you are coming from. We're about the same age, I have 1 degree and I am currently working on my masters. And at times, the hopelessness of life is overwhelming and I too ask God why he created me. At these times I remeber that if I weren't created to do something great for the Lord, that Satan wouldn't be riding my back so hard. I believe that is where you are. Victory is at the door, and Satan is trying to make sure that you are too distracted and depressed to look up and see that the Lord has made a way out of no way. I hope this helps.
I have been like this and I strongly suggest filling yourself on the Word of God right now. Do not meditate on these negative thoughts based on your flesh and what the enemy is trying to do. You are in a place where he will try to use these thoughts and feelings against you. I sympathize with how you feel but you cannot live in these emotions, know that God understands these feelings (He is touched with the feelings of our infirmities) and wants to help heal you. He came that you might have life and that more abundantly I will pm you.
dicapr said:
You will be in my prayers. I understand where you are coming from. We're about the same age, I have 1 degree and I am currently working on my masters. And at times, the hopelessness of life is overwhelming and I too ask God why he created me. At these times I remeber that if I weren't created to do something great for the Lord, that Satan wouldn't be riding my back so hard. I believe that is where you are. Victory is at the door, and Satan is trying to make sure that you are too distracted and depressed to look up and see that the Lord has made a way out of no way. I hope this helps.

Thank you. I'm realizing that I don't know what 'better' is? I'm realizing that I can't continue to live my life like this. I hate this me. This me is depressing and not of God. I want better I really do but right now, I can't seem to pick myself up or dust myself off. I feel so worthless. I'm tired of being alone. I did my part. I took time to heal I'm not carrying baggage from what other people did to me but yet and still I suffer. What did I miss? What lesson haven't I still learned?

Before I started to pray for you, I asked The Lord to please flow through me to you, because "The Spirit bears witness of Himself."

In Your Word, Lord, You said that, "You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You."

Father, how many times have I felt so heavy till I couldn't physically get up, so burdened down, so weak, so without hope in anyone or anything in this world? "I would have fainted had I not believed to see the goodness of The Lord in the land of the living."

I literally cried out to You for help, for mercy. Sometimes You moved the heaviness immediately, sometimes it seemed to take a little while. But, I am a living witness that "I called upon You Lord and You delivered me from out of all of my troubles!!!

Most times Lord, my suffering was do to my disobedience to Your Divine Word. Sadly I must admit that, rarely, it was due to me choosing to do the right over the wrong. But, whatever the circumstances were, Your precious grace helped me to endure, survive, get up and keep going.

I don't know what imparticular is going on in Nychaelasymone's life, but, I do know that by The Blood of The Lamb and by the word of her testimony, she shall over come the wicked one.

Thank You Holy Ghost for leading her to you, cause it's only in You that true peace is found.

In The Name of Jesus The Christ, raise her up and continue to give her strength to "fight the good fight of faith and lay hold to eternal life."

Please help her Dear Lord to keep the faith and finish her course with joy until That Day that she exchanges her cross for a crown.

In The Name of The Lord Jesus I pray, AMEN!

nychaelasymone said:
I'm feeling so tired. I can't explain it any other way. I don't want to give up on life but right now, I need God to do something new in my life. I feel myself sinking into depression, feeling like all the things that I desire aren't going to happen. I know I'm not a "good" Christian. I've fallen so hard. I'm trying to walk away from this relationship, I really am. It's hurting me so much. I miss the happy me. I miss the person that was strong and didn't allow herself to be used or mistreated, the person who guarded her heart. Now, I just feel lost. I feel overwhelmed w/ emotion. I just feel blah! I don't want to give up on God but right now, I need some support. I need a genuine hug. I need a kind word. I really do. I do for others so I don't think about how depressing my little life is. Then I feel guilty for feeling worthless because technically I have everything. I'm a 31 year old home owner, degreed 2xs, good job, good family, nice car, I have nothing to complain about but yet and still I feel unfulfilled, lonely, abused, used, and sad. I asked God, why did you put me here? I look good on the outside but on the inside I'm garbage. I don't really have anyone to talk to so I pour myself out here. Thanks ladies.
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I will pray and ask the Holy Spirit to send his loving comfort to you right away! Girl, you are not garbage, even if you feel like it. You are hurting, and for some reason God has allowed you to sink down low so you could be broken and in need of His love and intervention in a mighty way.

Why are you hurting girl? What has happened in your mind to cause you to feel inadequate? Is it a relationship with a man your referring to? Please know that we sisters are not ALL strong at ALL times. It is by his mercy that we can even get out of bed in the morning. Sometimes, I feel down. And I, like you have a wonderful family and have been blessed with many things. But it's our souls that need to be fed the most. And your soul has some hunger pains girl.

You said you are not a good Christian. Well, none of us are perfect--only saved by the accepting the gift of Jesus. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, Lord, and holy advisor already? I never want to assume.

Please do not try to end your life. You are on your way up, but the bottom feels so rocky. Your sisters will be standing in the gap, praying for you to be encouraged to rise again out of the mire.:)

PS- If you feel you need medicine to help you with this, by all means call your Dr.
I feel your dispair coming through your post. I know what you feel like and I have been there very recently. I have searched through several passages and I hope that this one is a blessing to you

Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.

2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.

3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.

4 Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.

5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.

After reading this, I would say to you, put God first! Don't focus on what's not right in your life. Focus on the good things that God has been to you. You said it yourself, you are blessed. Focus on what God has in store for you, for God does not intend for us to be unhappy. We should delight in HIM!

God will show you the ultimate love that you are seeking. He will provide for your needs in a way that no man can. I was in a 5 year relationship that was all wrong for me and God had to put certain things in front of me so that there was no doubt that this man wasn't for me. I chose to ignore the little signs, so God shoved a BIG sign right in my fact that I couldn't ignore. But even in that GOD showed me GRACE AND MERCY! He is there for you no matter how bad things may seem. All you have to do is keep your heart and mind STAYED on HIM!

You will be surprised how things will fall into place. God will turn this around and make it work for your GOOD. There can be no testimony without a test.

BE BLESSED and you can PM me if you need to talk further.
(sorry for the long post!)
Hugs and more hugs. I will pray and these feelings soon will be a memory and a testimony of how strong you always were. God will take your hand and walk with you through this.
nychaelasymone, come here little one, come here and just rest. Shhhhhh, be still and just still and allow God's love to surround you and protect you.

Baby, just rest. Allow God to give you His best. Just let Him love the still and quiet of the night, allow nothing to give your further fright, Baby girl, just be at peace...just be loved...just rest. Each new moment that you move into is a new moment of love and peace. Yes it is, oh yes it is. And you have nothing to fear. Nothing and no one can harm you, not even life itsself. Be at peace, nychaelasymone. For the love that carried you here to make this post will carry you even further and will not let you fall.

Better? Just a little? Let it flow, baby girl, let it flow. God's love for you and His peace. :kiss: Dont' be afraid anymore. Okay? No more to fear.
I am younger than you but I felt the same way for a couple years since I have been in undergrad. Every day I prayed and nothing seemed to change. I kept asking God why was I here, what was my purpose and why was I suffering so much. I had been in a deep depression, but I just recieved my deliverance less than a month ago.

1 Corinthians 2:9

"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him"

There are so many things in the natural that you cannot see that God is doing and will be doing in your life if you do not give up on the promises of God. The Bible says "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added unto you." Whatever you need for God, He has. In the meantime "He will keep you in perfect peace if your mind is stayed on Him" (Isaiah 26:3).

Just about everyday this year I would tell myself that I was stupid and my life was horrible and this year that is all that it has been. But I realized and heard a sermon saying that you can recreate your future just by your thoughts. Everything starts with your mind.

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
Romans 12:2

Once I realized that this world is temporary and that things can control your situation and circumstance but only you can control your thoughts, I recieved a joy from God that I cannot even describe. In your weakness He is strong for you. "The joy of the Lord is your strength."


P.S. There is a song called Latter Rain by Men of Standard and Kirk Franklin that is really good to listen to.
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nychaelasymone said:
I'm feeling so tired. I can't explain it any other way. I don't want to give up on life but right now, I need God to do something new in my life. I feel myself sinking into depression, feeling like all the things that I desire aren't going to happen. I know I'm not a "good" Christian. I've fallen so hard. I'm trying to walk away from this relationship, I really am. It's hurting me so much. I miss the happy me. I miss the person that was strong and didn't allow herself to be used or mistreated, the person who guarded her heart. Now, I just feel lost. I feel overwhelmed w/ emotion. I just feel blah! I don't want to give up on God but right now, I need some support. I need a genuine hug. I need a kind word. I really do. I do for others so I don't think about how depressing my little life is. Then I feel guilty for feeling worthless because technically I have everything. I'm a 31 year old home owner, degreed 2xs, good job, good family, nice car, I have nothing to complain about but yet and still I feel unfulfilled, lonely, abused, used, and sad. I asked God, why did you put me here? I look good on the outside but on the inside I'm garbage. I don't really have anyone to talk to so I pour myself out here. Thanks ladies.

There is really nothing more I can add to what's been said here so well already! :)

Your post struck such a strong cord in my heart! There is an emptiness, a void that cannot be filled if not by our Father above.

The walk of faith is not a walk of perfection. It is simply a walk of faith, where we make the effort daily to walk in what God wants for us. None of us gets it right. Yes, we stumble, and feel discouraged, and feel lonely, and question why we're here and permitted to live. But every trial and hardship shapes us and molds us into women of character. To the Glory of God, He has chosen you for His kingdom, and that alone is enough to rejoice. There is a purpose to your life. Seek God daily for it.

May the strongholds in your life be destroyed, by the power in the shed blood of Jesus Christ! Be blessed! :rosebud:
I thank everyone for praying for me. I woke up this morning and gave God praise for another day. I proceeded w/ my morning routine but decided to watch some Christian television instead of the news. TD Jakes was on and he was preaching about speaking to your situation.....well I decided to speak to my situation, speak to the spirit of that man that I allowed and still allow to hurt me and at that moment I snapped and went into a praise fest. I don't want to live like this anymore, I want my desires and I want them all. I also want God to be pleased with me. I want to humble myself and give to Him. He's my father, brother, husband, confidant, everything.....I thank God for all of you cause somebody sho' did pray for me. My mind is fresh today. I just keep reminding myself, if I feel myself slipping just call His name, He'll catch me. If I'm anxious, He'll settle my's going to be okay.
nychaelasymone said:
I thank everyone for praying for me. I woke up this morning and gave God praise for another day. I proceeded w/ my morning routine but decided to watch some Christian television instead of the news. TD Jakes was on and he was preaching about speaking to your situation.....well I decided to speak to my situation, speak to the spirit of that man that I allowed and still allow to hurt me and at that moment I snapped and went into a praise fest. I don't want to live like this anymore, I want my desires and I want them all. I also want God to be pleased with me. I want to humble myself and give to Him. He's my father, brother, husband, confidant, everything.....I thank God for all of you cause somebody sho' did pray for me. My mind is fresh today. I just keep reminding myself, if I feel myself slipping just call His name, He'll catch me. If I'm anxious, He'll settle my's going to be okay.

Oh my goodness! God is definitely a prayer answering God. Keep speaking to Him and he will reveal Himself to you! GOD NEVER FAILS!:D
nychaelasymone said:
I thank everyone for praying for me. I woke up this morning and gave God praise for another day. I proceeded w/ my morning routine but decided to watch some Christian television instead of the news. TD Jakes was on and he was preaching about speaking to your situation.....well I decided to speak to my situation, speak to the spirit of that man that I allowed and still allow to hurt me and at that moment I snapped and went into a praise fest. I don't want to live like this anymore, I want my desires and I want them all. I also want God to be pleased with me. I want to humble myself and give to Him. He's my father, brother, husband, confidant, everything.....I thank God for all of you cause somebody sho' did pray for me. My mind is fresh today. I just keep reminding myself, if I feel myself slipping just call His name, He'll catch me. If I'm anxious, He'll settle my's going to be okay.

Praise the Lord!! Walk in that deliverance daily! May the Lord bless you, and may He hear you from on high when you call on His Mighty Name! :)
Ms Lala said:
I have been like this and I strongly suggest filling yourself on the Word of God right now. Do not meditate on these negative thoughts based on your flesh and what the enemy is trying to do. You are in a place where he will try to use these thoughts and feelings against you. I sympathize with how you feel but you cannot live in these emotions, know that God understands these feelings (He is touched with the feelings of our infirmities) and wants to help heal you. He came that you might have life and that more abundantly I will pm you.

Great post and advice. You will be in my prayers and try positive affirmations daily.

I cannot say I have felt like the og poster but now is the time to stay prayed up, in the word and seek counseling from a church leader and/or professional. God promised he would always be with you but he didn't promise that life would be without its trials and melancholy. Try thanking him for his mercy and grace instead asking why sweetie because your turning point is coming. :)
nychaelasymone said:
I thank everyone for praying for me. I woke up this morning and gave God praise for another day. I proceeded w/ my morning routine but decided to watch some Christian television instead of the news. TD Jakes was on and he was preaching about speaking to your situation.....well I decided to speak to my situation, speak to the spirit of that man that I allowed and still allow to hurt me and at that moment I snapped and went into a praise fest. I don't want to live like this anymore, I want my desires and I want them all. I also want God to be pleased with me. I want to humble myself and give to Him. He's my father, brother, husband, confidant, everything.....I thank God for all of you cause somebody sho' did pray for me. My mind is fresh today. I just keep reminding myself, if I feel myself slipping just call His name, He'll catch me. If I'm anxious, He'll settle my's going to be okay.

Praise God!!! I was wondering how you were doing.
nychaelasymone said:
I thank everyone for praying for me. I woke up this morning and gave God praise for another day. I proceeded w/ my morning routine but decided to watch some Christian television instead of the news. TD Jakes was on and he was preaching about speaking to your situation.....well I decided to speak to my situation, speak to the spirit of that man that I allowed and still allow to hurt me and at that moment I snapped and went into a praise fest. I don't want to live like this anymore, I want my desires and I want them all. I also want God to be pleased with me. I want to humble myself and give to Him. He's my father, brother, husband, confidant, everything.....I thank God for all of you cause somebody sho' did pray for me. My mind is fresh today. I just keep reminding myself, if I feel myself slipping just call His name, He'll catch me. If I'm anxious, He'll settle my's going to be okay.

Oooookay! For some reason, I missed this in your opening post. May I share something here?

When I was married, I allowed everything that my husband said or did define me. He abused me, both physically and emotionally.

Because he did not love me, I never believed that anyone could. Because he didn't say I was beautiful, I never believed that I was. It was all defined by him...or so I thought. No matter how many compliments I received from others, I used to think that unless my ex said it to me, it could not be true. I wanted him to say these kind things to me.

Then Jesus came in and overruled it all. He loved me with an everlasting love that no one could ever give me here on earth. The love of God taught me to 'consider the source' of definement. Consider the source. No man possesses our souls. No man. No human being peroid. Not our bosses, our family, our friends, no one. I rate myself on what Jesus says and thinks of me and that's more than I can ever get from anyone else.

Though we are to exhort and love and compliment one another, we still cannot base our measure and value upon what others say. For as soon as they are angry, they change up...quick. God showed me that an ugly spirit in a person, cannot give encouragement, kindness, compliments, no matter how deserving. When they do, it's only self-serving for a purpose. They are using malipulation.

Sooooo, this man who hurt you, is not God. He does not own Heaven nor hell to put you in. He does not possess your soul. You are not tied to him in any manner. You are tied to Jesus who would never hurt you for anyone or anything. Not ever.

This man lied. He's a fool. He has no clue of the beautiful and wonderful woman of God that you are, which is the reason why God wants you free from for God to give you far better and this you shall see come to pass. In Jesus' name...Amen and Amen.
*updated* could I please ask for some of you to pray w/ me

After a weekend of endless tears its finally over. I finally ended that empty relationship. I'm still angry with God but I guess I'll deal with that on a day-to-day basis. I'm just so emotional. I can't sum it up in one or two words. Thank u for praying for me. It's just hard to travel this lonely road again. I keep screaming at God....WHY?!!!!!!! I'm trying to be positive, trying to hold out that he has something better for me and trying to be less selfish. The tears........I wish these tears would stop.
Re: *updated* could I please ask for some of you to pray w/ me

nychaelasymone said:
After a weekend of endless tears its finally over. I finally ended that empty relationship. I'm still angry with God but I guess I'll deal with that on a day-to-day basis. I'm just so emotional. I can't sum it up in one or two words. Thank u for praying for me. It's just hard to travel this lonely road again. I keep screaming at God....WHY?!!!!!!! I'm trying to be positive, trying to hold out that he has something better for me and trying to be less selfish. The tears........I wish these tears would stop.

They will stop! I've been there, I know how hard it is, and the unspeakable despair you feel. It will get better. Mourn the end of your relationship, but Praise The Lord for taking you out of a toxic relationship. It will all work out for your good. Don't think of yourself as lonely. You need time to yourself to heal from the hurt and seek the will of God in your life. You don't need the distractions right now.

Be encouraged. Trust me, this too shall pass. :kiss:
I need people today. The thought of going home is so sad. I'm sitting at my desk right now trying to keep it together. This is so hard and so painful. OMG...I wish I could just scream. I need a hug.
I know it's not the same as a real hug! Do you have family around or any friends that you could get some support from?
crlsweetie912 said:
I know it's not the same as a real hug! Do you have family around or any friends that you could get some support from?

I do but I can't bother them w/ this....unfortunately
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and prayers for strength. You have our support and thoughts. God bless you Sweetie!
nychaelasymone said:
I need people today. The thought of going home is so sad. I'm sitting at my desk right now trying to keep it together. This is so hard and so painful. OMG...I wish I could just scream. I need a hug.


Please, sweetie, even though we're not there with you physically, God is still God! Ask Him for strength to take you through. It hurts, I know, but I promise you, you will make it! This is NOT going to take you out! Don't you be afraid! God has not given you a spirit of fear. Let it go. Let it go, and give it to God. That sounds hard, and because you can't see Him, you may not believe, but you will make it! This is all temporary. It really is. Please, believe that! Call Jesus! :kiss:
It's ok to cry, you know. It hurts! Of course you want cry. Cry, but don't wallow in it and let this thing drag you into a depression. Set a time to mourn the loss of this relationship, then pick yourself up and move forward. You are a strong woman! Many have gone through this before you, and trust me, many are going through the same thing now. You can do it. There's something better for you after you go through this hurting time. :kiss: