Correlation between nail and hair strength?


Well-Known Member
For all the ladies that have strong hair are your nails equally strong?

For all the ladies that have weak hair are your nails equally weak?

I don't consider my nails to be all that strong and my hair seems to be the same way sometimes. Does anyone notice a correlation? I don't know if my nails are like this because I don't really pay much attention to them /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
ya know, i do believe they have a slight correlation. however, i also think it's possible to have one healthy and the other not. when i switched silica brands last year, my nails really took a turn for the worse. for over a year, i had been taking Kal Super Silica Plus. being the PJ that i am, i switched to Natrol Vegetal Silica after reading raves. it didn't work for me. after about a month, my once strong nails would break at the drop of a hat.

i now wonder whether the increased shedding that i've been experiencing could also be because of the switch. either way, i switched back to the Kal at the beginning of the year. my nails are still weak, but i'm keeping hope alive! i'm also the shedding will lessen. now that you've brought it to my attention, i'll have to try to gauge improvements in both, if any.

good question, sweetnic! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I think it depends on the person. My nails have always been long (they grow really quickly), but they have always been terribly weak and therefore they always BREAK. My hair on the otherhand was always strong and thick and growing. So I think it depends on the person. Good question /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I hope there is a correlation of the 2 because my nails grow quickly and very,very long. My friend who has brastrap length hair was always asking for my "secret" to my nails growing so long. Meanwhile, even though she had long hair her nails would grow a little and break. To be completely honest, I really don't know if my hair growth pattern is similar to my nail growth because up until 17 months ago I recklessly abused my hair for years. I have had braid extensions on natural hair since the 17 months (I take them out every 3 months and have them redone the next day /images/graemlins/smile.gif)so it's hard to determine how much and how fast my hair grows. I'm working towards breaking the braid habit /images/graemlins/grin.gif and wearing my hair out over the summer just to get an idea of how fast and how much it grows. Hey, I guess I can only hope my hair growth is similar to my nail growth!
My nails grow really, really fast. If I break a nail today next month it will be back about 1/2-3/4" long. They are very hard and strong as well.

I did not realize how fast my hair grew until I cut it in January. Can I just tell you may hair grows just as fast as my nails. By the end of the year I can guarantee that my hair will be about 12" long from scalp to ends.

I consider my hair and nails to be equally as strong.

I've never been one to take vitamins so I guess it's just heredity. Thank God for that. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I started taking vitamins in October, 2002 when I started reading hair boards but before then, nothing. Actually, I haven't taken my vitamins in about 6 weeks, I've got to start back taking them.
Good question /images/graemlins/smile.gif

My nails have always classically been weak and soft, but I have always had healthy strong hair.

Since I have been taking PP Biotin, my nails are really strong and long, and the tips are stark white! /images/graemlins/drunk.gif

So....I can only assume that my hair is becoming even stronger since my nails are stronger.
My nails have always been very strong and growing very fast and long but I keep them short and neat because I work in a restaurant and I always clean.
Good question. I have never had a problem growing my nails, they're hard and strong and always have been. As for my hair that's a different story. My hair is the healthiest it's been in a long time, but in comparance my nails are strongest I think /images/graemlins/smirk.gif.
Come on ladies I really want to know.

For those of you who replied thanx. I notice a variation among all of you but I've only gotten 7 responses so far.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
SweetNic_JA said:
For all the ladies that have strong hair are your nails equally strong?

For all the ladies that have weak hair are your nails equally weak?

I don't consider my nails to be all that strong and my hair seems to be the same way sometimes. Does anyone notice a correlation? I don't know if my nails are like this because I don't really pay much attention to them /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif

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I think there is a direct correlation between hair and nails. For me, both my hair and nails grow super fast but both tend to break once they reach a certain length. Since incorporating hair vitamins, the hair has been able to go past the std length. The nails can't get past a certain length because they bend, split or something else happens to them.
I have always had really strong nails that grow really fast and long. I may not know what it is like to have people asking if my hair is real, but man do I get people asking me where I get my nails done "becasue they look so natural."

My hair is not so fortunate, though. Hmmm....Maybe my nails grow so well is because I just leave my nails alone.