Corrective action for a breaking nape area

Please, I need as much feeback as possible, every little bit helps. My nape area is broken and thin. The rest of my hair is a little past my shoulder, but I can't stop the breakage is this area. HELP !!!!!
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extra conditioning, extra moisture, stop relaxing it or at least every other relaxer and for less time, leave it alone (ie., very little combing, brushing, manipulating). It can and it will grow.
I feel you on this one. My nape just will not grow! I am going to try what hopeful suggested! I'm sure OUR hair nape will GROW!
I'm trying to grow out a 2" - 3"space in the very back of my head that stretches from my nape to my crown. It was feeling kinda weak when I washed my hair on Tuedsay.

Early, early, this morning I put some Profectiv Breakfree on it. Then added some EndAll from At the last I rubbed in a bit of castor oil, put on my satin cap and went to sleep. This evening the whole area feels a lot stronger.
I've had some issues with my nape area as well, due to lack of moisturizing and protection. I FINALLY realized that it kept breaking off because it was dry and brittle because I was neglecting that area when I moisturized the rest of my hair. And to top it off, this one area is not well-protected by my satin scarf, so when I sleep it brushes up against my pillow and guess what... breakage!

So... the past few months I've been paying special attention to moisturizing this area (I like avocado butter) and I have a satin pillowcase now, so any exposed parts of my hair are still well-protected. I think this is really helping, because my nape is now well on its way to catching up with the rest of my hair! I hope these few things that made a world of difference for me will work for you also :yep:
MOISTURE, MOISTURE, MOISTURE!:yep: Also relaxing your nape last helps.
Here's a helpful thread

Yes, moisturize your nap as you would the front. The first place I run through first is the back.

Always relax the nap last because you are essentially overprocessing the back by starting their first and then leaving on for the entire duration of relaxing. When I relax, I start from the crown and go down, then apply the relaxer from the crown then forward.

Also, try not to sleep in pony tails or wear them often. Give your nap a break by wearing head bands or even loose buns if you must pony.

You need blood circulation back there, so I would say brush the area a little, even with a baby brush. I'm one of those who is for brushing weekly.
I had this problem for a long time until I started using mizani h20 nighttime treamtent. I just put a little extra on the nape area every other day. This stuff is so good. It is not too greasy and it really works. I have been using it for like 4 or 5 months now. It has made all the difference in my nape area.