CoQ10 and Hair Growth?


New Member
I was reading the Nutritional Healing book and it said that CoQ10 was a very important supplement for hair growth because it stimulates the scalp. Anybody have experience with CoQ10? I bought some today and it was REALLY expensive
I guess it is an antioxident and good for the heart also...I was also wondering if anyone saw an increase in hair growth buy using inositol, like 100mg or more? TIA.
That's interesting. I know about Coenzyme Q10 and the heart but nothing about it and hair growth. I need to look into that. It is extremely expensive!
I've been taking it for 3 years Dad came down with Cardiomyopethy...we think it may be I added CoQ10 to my vitamin regimine...Have not noticed any difference in the hair thing...mainly because I was not looking. I would not doubt at all that it helps with that.

CoQ10 is an EXCELLENT dietary supplement to add if you have:
gum disease
high or pressure
heart ailments of any kind
Low immune systems
mental function

In Japan...this vitamin-like substance has been used for DECADES...

If you buy should look like egg yolk if it is in liquid form (GNC is very good...around $21.00 a bottle) and in powdered form it should be orangish yellow.
I take Q10 when I need an energy boost. I have never heard that it causes hair growth. Although it is suppose to increase blood circulation, which is suppose to aid in hair growth...who knows.
Hi Neen,
Would you mind posting the other supplements/vitamins the book recommends for hair?
Thanks in advance,
I can't remember all of the supplements because there were so many but these are the ones I remember:CoQ10, flaxseed oil, all the b vitamins including biotin, Vitamins C,D,E, inositol, silica, msm...and others. The book had them broken down into categories of Essential, Very Important, Important, and Helpful. I think it's called The Book for Nutritional Healing. It has every condition known to man and all of the supplemnts to combat the condition. I looked under 'hair loss'.
I purchased some yesterday (for energy/ mental fatigue)and I was surprised by how expensive it's become. Good to know that it may help with growing some healthy strands as well.
I purchased some yesterday (for energy/ mental fatigue)and I was surprised by how expensive it's become. Good to know that it may help with growing some healthy strands as well.
I'm just getting to know much about this supplement. I know you have stated that it's expensive but just so I know that I'm getting money worth, what name brand would you suggest?