Cool happenings for me in Chicago


Well-Known Member
I was in Chicago for a while this past weekend for a reunion and after talking to quite a few of my cousins and just looking around, most of us are either transitioning or are already completely natural! I thought it was pretty cool. It's always so interesting to see all different hair types, even in one family. We sat around Friday night @ my aunt's house drinking and talking about regimens, products, and websites. My kind of weekend! :yep:

To add icing to the cake, there were 3 guys staying in my hotel that work for Bronner Bros :grin:. I was ear hustling and when I heard them say that and something about the hair show in ATL earlier this month so I made my way over and struck up a conversation. I told them I was a member of a hair care forum that focused on women of color and growing long, healthy hair. They thought that was really cool and asked if people ever mentioned any of their products. The Castor Oil Moisturizing Lotion was the only one that came to mind and I told them a lot of women seem to like that and how I grew up on Super Gro. After a few drinks, I told them they were wrong as hell for that Pump It Up :lachen:One of them touched my hair (WnG) and was like wow, I didn't think that was your hair! It's beautiful. I thanked him and told him I finally understand my hair well enough to transition thanks to this board. Just had to share!
are you gonna move to chicago bublin? you seem to like our little city very much :-)

and how did you get your blow dry to come out wavy like that?
This is a great post. In light of the recent threads where some people's family members are chastizing them for going natural, it's good to hear that your family members actually embrace your decision to transition. It made me smile thinking of all the love and support you experienced.

Thanks for sharing.
Well I had a family member tell me at a family reunion that if her natural hair was like my natural hair, then she would go natural.

I'm telling ya'll, alot of family members are still stuck on "texture" or what they think is texture. Unless there natural hair has a good texute, or WHAT THEY THINK IS GOOD, they ain't going natural.
Well I had a family member tell me at a family reunion that if her natural hair was like my natural hair, then she would go natural.
I'm telling ya'll, alot of family members are still stuck on "texture" or what they think is texture. Unless there natural hair has a good texture, or WHAT THEY THINK IS GOOD, they ain't going natural. :nono:
This is a great post. In light of the recent threads where some people's family members are chastizing them for going natural, it's good to hear that your family members actually embrace your decision to transition. It made me smile thinking of all the love and support you experienced.

Thanks for sharing.

It was really cool. My aunt has the cutest TWA. I was surprised, haven't seen her in a few years, but it was so cute on her and she has the wildest curls! Everyone was touching each other's hair :grin:

Well I had a family member tell me at a family reunion that if her natural hair was like my natural hair, then she would go natural.

I'm telling ya'll, alot of family members are still stuck on "texture" or what they think is texture. Unless there natural hair has a good texute, or WHAT THEY THINK IS GOOD, they ain't going natural.

I hear you. We have some of those too. Someone made the good hair comment :rolleyes:. This is the same one that still wears pink lipstick and black lipliner and draws on her eyebrows chola style :ohwell: so what can you do?