Cooked Egg Protein/No ACV, Cold Rinse = Tangled Mess?


New Member

I took out my twists this weekend and washed and then did a egg/mayo/yogurt/saa/keratin oil/molassess mix.

No heat dc'd for 1/2 hour and then rinsed out (tepid to cool was too cold to do anything else), and then proceeded to dc with honey hemp/aloe vera/honey/olive oil mix with heat for about 1 hour and rinsed out....


I did a semi cold rinse...but my hair doesnt feel right...feels tangeld...not cool at all. Did some big twists and addedd KT leave in with Oyin Whipped. eh :perplexed

That was saturday.

Sunday, (since there was still egg in my hair, from not rinsing like I should have with cool/cold water), used some Moisture Milks mixed with honey/olive oil for extra slip to wash out those scrambled eggs (not much but enough). Detnagled with KT and left in the honey hemp conditioner added some oyin and then sealed with some corrective serum. Later, took some melted shea butter and mowrah butter to my hair....and ok but still tangled.

I'm wondering what I did wrong?

I'm thinking my hair is porous which is weird to me cause I haven't used direct heat in usch a loooooonnnnngggg time.

Maybe I should have done a final ACV rinse?

I dunno. Hair is in two pocahantas braids right now, I don't want to manipulate anymore until next wash day.

It was doing so well while I was washing and dc'in in twists and then took them down individually to moisture it felt like butter. I didnt do that the last week before I took them out...but that shouldnt have affected it should it?

Feel like I've been set back...

Any advice, please?
I think it was the cold water rinse. I tried this very thing yesterday and my hair was a tangled mess. I used the same products that I always use, so I know it wasn't the products. The only thing different was the cold water rinse. Needlesss to say I won't be doing that again. :nono:
Yeah cold water rinse doesn't do crap for me either. My hair still feels dirty and clogged. But you really had a mosh pit going on up in that head of yours?? Wow!
Yeah cold water rinse doesn't do crap for me either. My hair still feels dirty and clogged. But you really had a mosh pit going on up in that head of yours?? Wow!

I was thinking about that..

I just figured since I dont use protien very much and I was coming out of twists after an extended period of time that maybe this was in order.

I think I did too much with the conditioning (adding too much stuff for protein and moisture).

Next dc of course back to my moisture only routine, but I'll lay off any protein (including mega tek and keratin oil) and especially do my cold water rinse.

That should be okay right?

I was also wondering if maybe my moisturizing dc was too light....maybe I need something heavier? I'm trying to stay on the more natural side of things tho....
I was thinking about that..

I just figured since I dont use protien very much and I was coming out of twists after an extended period of time that maybe this was in order.

I think I did too much with the conditioning (adding too much stuff for protein and moisture).

Next dc of course back to my moisture only routine, but I'll lay off any protein (including mega tek and keratin oil) and especially do my cold water rinse.

That should be okay right?

I was also wondering if maybe my moisturizing dc was too light....maybe I need something heavier? I'm trying to stay on the more natural side of things tho....

I didn't even know there was a such this as keratin oil. Learn something new everyday:yep:. Keratin in itself is strong enough for a protein treatment. Also since you were in a low/no manipulation style, you may not have needed such a heavy treatment. If you want to stay on the natural ingredient side of the house, try fewer ingredients and build or readjust as necessary so you know what works and what doesn't. HTH
I shampoo the mayo/egg mixture out first, then follow up with a moisturizing shampoo, then condition as usual. I don't know how you still had egg in your hair the next day.:perplexed
This is tough.
I'm never really that great at critiquing regimens,
but I always like to wash my hair with warm water.
My hair does so much better with warm water.
Usually I find my hair becomes more tangled and more of a matted mess when I use cold water? But that's just me.