Controlling New Growth

I am currently seven weeks post perm I'm trying to stretch to ten weeks.I am so tempted to hot comb my roots and nape, but I'm trying to stay away from heat. I'm wearing my hair in a bun until my next touch up, does anyone have any suggestions with controlling new growth without using heat.:perplexed
Keep the ng moist, use a spray like S-Curl or StaySofFro. Cowashing is another good method that works for some. I'm gonna bump the stretcher's thread for you. :)

ETA: As soon as you finish adding your leave-in, tie your hair down with a scarf. It makes the ng lay down really flat. Check sylver2's fotki for more details.
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Yeah, it's gettin' kind of peasy back in that kitchen, huh? HA HA :grin: This is my first time stretching ever and I am 9 weeks post. What has helped me? Oil rinsing, extra EXTRA conditioning, and using the wrap method. Started mixing my secret potion of oil w/ my conditioner and then applying to my hair.

After blowdrying or rollersetting. (sorry i HAVE to have heat, NO time to airdry) I'll oil my scalp, moisturize my ends, and wrap hair and secure that scarf as tight as i can w/o hurtin' myself. That will lay down the naps.