Continuous Prayer Line for the victims of Hurricane Katrina


New Member
I have been reading on the internet about some of the devastation! This is a praying time people! I started this thread so that LHCF could pray together. A family that prays together stays together.

Each Person Must say one line to add to the prayer creating a continuous prayer by us LHCF ladies(Say one line and continue in your heart)! I will start! Please join in!

Dear Heavenly father, We come together asking for deliverance for our fellow men, women, and children affect by Hurricane Katrina....
we ask you to watch over them, protect them for diseases and famine, and to help them in the upcoming days....
Lord, God, we ask that you dispatch your angels for divine protection over them and that you give them the patience and strength to endure
Lord I ask in the name of Jesus that you touch the hearts of the believers that they may sacrifice a love gift to reach out to their needy brothers and sisters to do as Christ said when I was hungry you give Me to eat............
Heavenly Father, through your son I pray that you embrace those who are suffering, that you comfort those in this time of desperation, that you ease the mind of those near and far.
I pray that in this critical time with escalating emotions and feelings that they do not let a temporary situation affect an everlasting relationship with God. ( I pray this because so many people faint, lose sight of who God is and also get angry with Him and considering turning away from God.) Though things happen, I pray that their relationship with God grow strong and create even stronger bonds. Furthermore, I also pray that though they will encounter many stresses now and in the months to come that it does not put so much of a strain on their families that they break apart.
Dear Lord, I pray that you will not let us forget, six, nine, or twelve months down the line that those affected by Katrina will still need our support long after the headlines fade. I pray that you will remind us, even when the media fails to, that we still need to provide continuous support to our people.
Father, I ask that you comfort your children who are lonely, protect them from the evil that dwells around them. Give them strength to endure. In Jesus name, I pray, I ask that you steady the hearts of those who are loosing faith. Renew the hope that is slipping away. Touch the hearts of those who have to spare, so that they will share with the less fortunate. In Jesus name......
God turn this tragedy into opportunity. God you have a purpose and plan in every single thing you do. We pray for strength, love and unity with the country and for all the families suffering. I pray for my journey down to New Orleans to help the families and all others who will go to help. In Jesus Name AMEN!!!
Lord I pray that your will be done for the survivors, and I ask that your restore everything that was taken from them, and comfort them. I pray that they will draw closer to you and know that you are just. I ask that you will reunite all families and all missing children will be returned back to their parents. I pray for those who were raped or harmed and that you will restore them. I pray that your justice will be served and when NO is rebuilt your people will not be forgotten about. Lord I ask that you give us a plan of what to do the next time a natural disaster stirkes. Lord I thank you for your people and the outpouring of kindness, I ask that you bless those who have given their time, money, and support. Thank you for coming in and showing us who you are in this situation. Lord thank you for coming in and taking care of everything. I thank you for your Mercy, and Grace, and that you are restoring hope to those who lost everything.
Oh my Lord Jesus i pray for strength, resilience, comfort and deliverance for all the survivors of Katrina and help them build new lives with the confidence that you spared them and as you said o lord he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved, thank you for sparing their lives, thank you for opening eyes,hearts and homes accross the country to all our brethren and sisters that more than ever need our help, shoulder and strength to move forward and rebuild and give them a stronger back may the holy spirit strengthen their souls and repair their wounds and my prayers and my heart goes out to you Anky let me know if i can help all my love
Oh God, I pray that you would comfort them in this season of their lives. Lord open their eyes that they might see that their best is yet to come and Father God just as you did in the book of Nehemiah do for the workers in Lousiana, Alabama and Mississippi as they go forth to rebuild these cities. Lord bring organization where there is chaos, give the workers a mind to work and the strength to bring the work to full completion. And may you get all of the Glory. . .