Continuous non-stop shedding. I think Ive found the reason.


Active Member
So I'm one of those people that go on google and try to self diagnose myself before going to the doctor because I always feel like when I go in, they write me off instantly and write me some bogus prescrition and send me on my way.

For a few years now i have had lots of shedding. Ive tried it all. Alter ego, vitamins, straight up garlic in my hair that had me smelling like death. But the shedding never actually stopped it may have been reduced but soon it came back in full force.

For the past couple of years i would have CRAZY allergic reaction. Started when i was in university. I went to school in the states so I thought it was just (no offense to all the americans) the fact that the foods in america are not as healthy. (I had lived in europe for 1.5 years prior eating a lot of healthy and regulated foods since europe is more strict with allowed preservatives etc.) Bit also during university i was prescribed an inhaler due to sudden respritory issues, something about the air capacity of my lungs.
Then the reaction would start again when i moved to canada while working at bebe, suddlenly, hives all over my body went to the emergency room and got strong antihistamines. Then again and again. Went for allergy testing (got pricked like 100 times but nothing came up) GRRR so frustrating!

I was attempting to transition to natural but my hair kept shedding and all the shed hair would mat my hair. So i THOUGHT (8weeks ago) ok well clearly my hair cant handle the transition so i relaxed. thinking my shedding would stop. it did, for like two days and then it started again. long strands of hair, coming out no matter what i did. in the shower it was worse. id feel my hair down my mid back but my hair is about APL/BSL so obv it was just shed hair hanging there.

Then a few months ago my lips started to slowly turn dark.. I thought this was due to smoking so i cut that down. but still my lips were getting darker like black were you would think i wore black lipstick or something..
Then my face that has always been so smooth started to break out. not a lot but enough for me to feel self conscious. then last week came the eczema or dry flaky skin around my mouth. still i couldnt understand what was going on.
Thought maybe due to the cold weather but this has never happened before. and ive always lived in cold countries.:nono: I would get little dry patches (the size of half my pinky nail) on my body mostly on my stomach and/or chest for a few years but shrugged it off.
And my nails peel! motsly the index and the thumb nails but nonetheless they peel. And little flaky pieces that i can scrape off, which eventually causes thinning then breakage.

After lots of research i think i may have a dietary allergy. more specifically a diary allergy. I considered myself somewhat lactose intolerant but i think it may be more serious, or may have developed into something more serious.
So im obviously no doctor but i think i may be onto something i mean the shedding is not normal.
So im going to a naturopath as soon as possible but in the mean time in doing an elimination diet.

Ill keep posting here so i can keep track of whats going on but also so that maybe if there is anyone out there with the same issues, i could potentially be helping someone else out as for the longest time i was so confused (still kind of am) about what has been going on with me.

I have completely cut out everything that is not a fruit of vegatable out of my diet until i speak with the doctors later on today.

Ill be drinking as much water as i can and keeping a diary to see if anything changes.

(I apologize in advance for the rushed and poorly written post, at work and im just trying to get as much down in one go as possible)

If there are any ladies out there with a food allergy that has caused any of the above mentioned side effects, please chime in, I would love to hear from you all.

I refuse to believe that my shedding and black lips are normal. ill keep u ladies posted.