Continious Dry Hair


New Member
Hello all. New to the board. Love the site.
My problem, Dry 4b or whatever the grading system, natural hair. You know regular black folk hair, LOL. I condition wash every other day, leave in and oil the ends with olive oil. It feels okay but by the end of the day it is dry and he next day really dry. The conditioner I use is the hydrating curls by Pantene, I use cold water to do my rinses and no heat whatsoever. I drink plenty of water but I'm not sure if I should be doing something more or if the way my hair feels now is normal. My scalp is highly sensative and very dry. Right now I'm using a prescribed shampoo and oil to get rid of the problem with my scalp but that is not causing the dryness. It has always been dry. What products out there without the gresiness can I use? The olive oil is great for deep conditioner treatments but is really oily. Can't sit on my couch or nothin'!
Both coconut and jojoba oils absorb really nicely and moisturize well as far as oils can mist with distilled water and then apply coconut oil. Mango butter is also great for sealing in moisture if used when wet..sta sof fro is marvelous but if you use too much of course you'll get the legendary JHERI CURL DRIP going...Try doing a search ...i think there have been a few threads on this. Good luck and welcome!
i know oil doesnt work too tough on my hair unless its a preshampoo hot oil. i prefer water based moisturizers like ORS carrot oil or carols daughter HHB. also, pantene stuff tends to have cones, which is drying over time for some folks.
Welcome to the boards!
The daily rinses might also be the culprit if your water is hard, try rinsing less often , or using distilled water. (like someone said) i also agree that the pantene might not be helping. and also like others said, coconut oil ( i love that stuff) , i guess im basically saying i agree with everyone lol
Hi Feelinit
. I am using a prescription shampoo as well for my seborrheic dermatitis and others on the board are using one for that purpose and also eczema. It is really important to follow up with a moisturizing shampoo. Before I found the board I never follow up but I got this tip from Adrienne0914 and Labett.
CheerBear said:
Both coconut and jojoba oils absorb really nicely and moisturize well as far as oils can mist with distilled water and then apply coconut oil.

[/ QUOTE ]

Welcome to the Forum.
Sta Sof Fro does wonders for my hair when it's dry. You just have to be careful not to spray too much. I keep bottles of this stuff in my cabinets.
CheerBear - I figured there might be threads on this already but I was too lazy to search. Still trying to navigate my way around. I'm not a real product junkie either so I usually just stick with whatever works for awhile but I've been meaning to get some Jojobo oil. And the mango butter I will definitly try for my ends. Thanks for the response.
What's up DSD. I see you are almost a legend on these boards. Been lurking for a minute and thanks for the welcome.
When I looked at my Pantene bottle I didn't see any silicones as an ingredient. Must have not read it right. I will try more water based products and thanks for the response.
I have tried stay so fro and there's something about it I don't like. It did make my hair soft but it almost had a quasi jerri curl feel to it.
Irr - You know I thought that might be it also. I'll try using distilled water instead. And the water in the south tends to be really hard. That may be a factor as well. Thanks for the response.
Brick - I have been lazy with that as well regarding my scalp condition (I don't even know what it's called anymore). All I know is that I ended up with a rash on my neck that looked like something between a burn mark and a passion mark. It itched like crazy and it just got darker the more I scratched it and started peeling. It was so gross. Went to the dermatologist and he stated that it was the overgrowth of whatever from my scalp that got onto my neck and created a rash of sorts.

So I'm using the prescription shampoo twice a week along with the dermasmooth oil on my scalp. I follow the shampoo up with a conditioner and that seems to do just fine. Plus I do a weekly deep conditioner with the olive oil and follow that up with a conditioner wash. I know most people shampoo their olive oil treatment out but I find that my hair is so much softer and it's not too oily at all.
Vanessa - see I've tried the vaseline and it's just too thick and greasy for me. I would wear my hair in a bun or protective style but for me it's too short to deal with. I mean I'd do the DSD baggie treatment and everything but my hair is just too short at the moment and too much handling is hell on my highly sensative scalp.

But the vaseline was just too much. I'm a minimalist and the less I can do for the greatest possible result, the better.
I agree with others about the pantene and hard water.
You might want to use a clarifying shampoo to remove the silicones buildup from the pantene.
Also, for the hard water you should get a water test strip.
If your water is hard, Ouidad at has great products for curly heads that have hard water.

I also agree about the creme moisturizers. There was a thread about moisturizers for natural hair or the #1 moisture infuser thread.

P.S. When I used to be natural, leaving conditioner in overnight really helped soften my hair.

Hi, Feelinit! Welcome!

I haven't read all of the previous answers to your thread, but I'll tell you what has worked for me. I live in Arizona where the air is hella dry and I've finally found a moisturizing method that works for ME!

I got it from an issue of Black Hair and Braids mag.

1) Shampoo hair. I use Keracare hydrating/detangling shampoo.

2) Rinse and lightly towel dry.

3) First, saturate hair with oil(s) of your choice. (I used jojoba, olive and rosemary with a touch of grapefruit essential oil).

4) On top of that mixture, apply moisturizing conditioner of choice. (my choice: Mizani Moisturefuse..for now)

5) Put on plastic cap. Sit under heat cap for about 30min - 1hr. Usually after I remove the heat cap, I'll keep the plastic cap on for another hour or two depending on my schedule. Sometimes, I'll sleep with it on overnight. Just throw my satin scarf over it. (Warning: if you do this, be sure and make sure any excess water is drained out from under the cap or you'll get a wet pillow. Trust me-Not fun!)

6) K...then I rinse and woo hoo, moisturized hair. It's a great treatment for my hair.

Note: If you try this method, it may take some time to discover how much oil to put in beforehand. The first time my hair was like super greasy. But I toned down the amount of oil i used in the beginning and I have it down pat now.

Good luck!
I would recommend rinsing your hair everyday rather than every other day. That way you're not allowing your hair to get super dry. I was doing the wash and go style a lot last summer and kept trying to find the "right" moisturizer that would revive my hair after the 2nd and 3rd day. It took me forever to figure out that the best moistruizer is WATER! Who'd a thunk it?

Also, try counteracting scalp dryness by lightly oiling your scalp after your wash/rinse. Good luck and HTH!
Feelinit - you can just reply to everyone at the same time ...

oils may be the cause of dryness in your hair. I remember i used olive oil when i was relaxed and it had my hair soo soft and when i tried to use it for my hair now ( im natural) it just sat on my hair and left it greasy and hard.

Try curl activators or creamy leave in conditioners