Contact Dermatitis From Ayurvedic Powders?


Well-Known Member
So I made a tea spritz a few weeks ago with green tea, Amla, Neem & Shikakai powders along with Fenugreek seeds. I kept it in the fridge and used it for several days. I noticed a few days later that my legs were itching and saw that I had red raised bumps around my ankles and various parts of my leg. Later that day I got the same red bumps on my inner elbow. I racked my brain trying to figure out what it was and the only thing new I had introduced were the powders.
I have been washing my hair for the past few months with Amla/Neem powders and haven't had any adverse reaction so at first I thought it was the addition of the Fenugreek or Shikakai. So I made another batch of tea spritz w/o the Fenugreek & Shikakai this past weekend and used it on Monday. Well today the bumps that were mostly gone from a few weeks ago have returned so I guess it's just any ayurvedic powder that is causing this..

My question is, has anything like this hppened to any of you? Could it be the brand, Hesh, that I'm using or am I allergic to ayurvedic powders? Even though I don't experience the same thing when I just wash my hair with it? I tried to search online but couldn't find anything specific to adverse reactions to ayurveda.
How did the tea spritz get on your ankles though? Were you applying in the shower and letting it run down your body? Has it caused any problems to your scalp/face/neck, where the majority of it would have made contact?

Also keep in mind you can develop a reaction to something you’ve always used. It doesn’t have to be just what you’ve recently added.
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Maybe you have a particular sensitivity that manifests only when you spritz bc the ingredients are applied neat to the scalp and left to absorb, whereas with washing they're probably diluted/no prolonged contact/rinsed away.

You have two options:

Take no risks and avoid a potential major setback by avoiding all those ingredients in future;

Use only one ingredient at a time but wash/rinse only, not spritz/leave-in;

I'm all for avoiding a setback unless you strongly believe in the ayuevedic benefits and have the time and patience to try to make it work for you .
Thanks ladies. Yes, I just thought it was weird because I've been washing my hair with amla and neem powders for the past couple of months with no issues. I figured it had something to do with me allowing the product to sit and absorb on to my scalp as opposed to rinsing it away like I do when I wash. I just thought it was strange because I use neem oil on my scalp as a massage oil and have been using it for over 10 years with no issues. I was also thinking maybe it was the Hesh brand of powders bc I read on another post from a while ago that there were some issues with some Hesh powders as far as contamination. I was getting ready to order some other non Hesh powders from Hennasooq but perhaps I'll try limiting my Spritz to just green tea and fenugreek seeds to see if I still break out with just those two.