Constant Heat


Active Member
Is there anyone that uses heat everyday and still has a healthy head of hair? I just can't get my daughter to stop using a heat compliance. She loves the spiral curls and crinkles and she uses heat on a daily basis.

If you use heat everyday, how do you keep your hair healthy? What products do you use?:rolleyes:
I don't (and can't) use heat everyday. My hair could not handle it.

But, I think she should use heat protectants and do deep conditions twice a week to try to slow the damage.

But, there is a good chance that she will get some damage or can never grow her hair past a certain length.

But, I have known people that use heat everyday and their hair looks fine. :look:

I could never pull it off.

But, sometimes it takes getting some damage or having hair problems for some of us to make a change to decrease the heat and other bad habits.
I used to use heat everyday and it was the kiss of death for my hair. I'm talking about severe breakage to the point where I had to go from shoulder to neck length. Tell her to put the heat appliances down.