Considering Big Chop But...


Well-Known Member
I have some concerns. If I decide to I've been trying to figure out which way I would go about it. I'm currently 11 months post. I thought I would bc at a year but would actually prefer for my hair to be long enough to put in a pony or bun so will probably wait a little longer.
Here are my options:

1. Go to my stylist and have her cut it. She's actually encouraged me to go to her the only issue I have is she wants me to come with my hair flat ironed she wants to cut it while it's straight so I'm thinking, how will she see the line of demarcation? Will she do a blunt cut and mess up my curl pattern or how my hair falls in it's natural state? I've read if you cut it wrong your hair will not curl as it should in its natural state.

2. Cut it myself with help from someone probably by taking out braid extensions and cutting the ends one by one to ensure I get all my hair?

3. Cut it myself then go to my stylist and have her shape it or make it even but again will it mess up the pattern?

4. Get gradual trims, first get it cut even to help it grow in more even and keep getting trims until the relaxed ends are gone.

Also I have a concern about bcing myself. Recently two of my braid extensions came out so with those two pieces I cut what I thought was the relaxed ends to see what my hair would be like. I determined this by putting product on the hair and the part that stayed straight and did not curl I cut. This seemed fine at first then I still noticed thin straight ends on one piece. I don't want to keep cutting like on a barbie doll and end up with no hair so maybe what I thought was natural and relaxed was wrong?. Also if I twisted the hair the ends would be really frizzy.

Any advice/opinions welcome
I have some concerns. If I decide to I've been trying to figure out which way I would go about it. I'm currently 11 months post. I thought I would bc at a year but would actually prefer for my hair to be long enough to put in a pony or bun so will probably wait a little longer.
Here are my options:

1. Go to my stylist and have her cut it. She's actually encouraged me to go to her the only issue I have is she wants me to come with my hair flat ironed she wants to cut it while it's straight so I'm thinking, how will she see the line of demarcation? Will she do a blunt cut and mess up my curl pattern or how my hair falls in it's natural state? I've read if you cut it wrong your hair will not curl as it should in its natural state.
2. Cut it myself with help from someone probably by taking out braid extensions and cutting the ends one by one to ensure I get all my hair?

3. Cut it myself then go to my stylist and have her shape it or make it even but again will it mess up the pattern?

4. Get gradual trims, first get it cut even to help it grow in more even and keep getting trims until the relaxed ends are gone.

Also I have a concern about bcing myself. Recently two of my braid extensions came out so with those two pieces I cut what I thought was the relaxed ends to see what my hair would be like. I determined this by putting product on the hair and the part that stayed straight and did not curl I cut. This seemed fine at first then I still noticed thin straight ends on one piece. I don't want to keep cutting like on a barbie doll and end up with no hair so maybe what I thought was natural and relaxed was wrong?. Also if I twisted the hair the ends would be really frizzy.
You did this right. The straight pieces could be scab hair. I had little straight pieces that I was still cutting for about 3 weeks after my BC.
Any advice/opinions welcome

I say do it yourself. You obviously already know how to do it, and I have never ever heard of anyone BCing on flat ironed hair. In addition, having done my own BC, I honestly think it will be so much more meaningful. She just wants that money from charging you for a cut. So basically, I vote #2 or 4. I had planned on transitioning for two years, but after 12 months I couldn't take it anymore and ran in the bathroom with a bottle of VO5 and some scissors.

Good luck on whatever you decide.
BCing straightened hair does not really make sense to me. I think your stylist will either cut too much or too little.
Most naturals who have done the BC themselves (which is such a great experience, by the way) did so on wet hair with conditioner in it and did not even need to see a stylist to shape it, as the natural layers already gave their hair a nice shape.

The same went for me. I cowashed and snipped the straight pieces off and haven't been to a stylist since. I'm not sure about the shape when I'd decide to straighten :look:, but curly it looks good to me.

As for the straight/fuzzy ends, I kept them until I was sure they wouldn't revert or curl. This has been discussed a lot in the Newly Natural thread, maybe have a look there?

Good luck on deciding!
Do not trust this stylist! I don't understand why she would flat-iron your hair just to do a big chop. How does she expect to see the demarcation line? It wouldn't make sense to do that other than the fact that she want to have an excuse to charge more.:nono: Many of the ladies here, including myself, did their own BC's. Maybe you should consider doing your own BC.
If you really want to have a professional cut your hair choose a new stylist please! It makes no sense to flatiron your hair before bcing. I had my stylist do mine because I didn't have the tools and she's one of the few stylists who I trust with my hair. If you've already got the shears then cut it yourself! Curly hair is very forgiving when it comes to uneveness.
i dont even blowdry flat iron before a relaxer why she wants you to do this for a bc um NO
BC on straight hair?? Not at all! Make sure your hair is wet so you can see the two textures. If your hair is long enough you can probably do it yourself.
I need to learn from this on how to do my own BCs. I hope you don't go to this so called pro.:rolleyes: How the heck would you BC flat ironed hair? What a dummy.:lachen::rolleyes: