Considering a Major Chop because of Damage...need HELP!!


New Member
hello to all, my hair has been through the fire and back again this year. During my pre-LHCF days I used to permanently dye my hair repeatedly, im talking three times in one week...depending on my impulsiveness and desire for a certain color. I know now the havoc i brought upon myself. For the past month or two i have been deep conditioning, using a natural moisturizing shampoo (elucence M.b.) and moisturizing and sealing, however, i cant seem to stop the breakage and shedding. I trimmed two inches off, but no luck. The splits are heading up the shaft. My question is what should i do with this? Im a little nervous about cutting my hair all off, but i know that that might be the best decision for me right now. I dont think i look too hot with a twa, but i also cant stand the breakage. Because i once repeatedly wore micros, my edges are thinned so getting braids or sew ins are out too because i really have to allow those edges to grow back in. I feel like im running out of options, and feel a tad bit lost at the moment. PLEASE HELP!

Here is a pic of my twa from month 3....i wouldnt mind going back to it if my fro wasnt so lopsided..i need a good shape.

sorry if the pic is soo big, here is my hair now, dont be decieved, it's parched and ragged, the slickness of the products makes it appear undamaged....
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You and your hair are so cute!!

If the damage is beyond repair and no amount of DC'ing, protein, and protective styling will bring your hair back then I think you will have to cut. I'm sure you could find a stylist to shape your hair so that it's not lopsided and you're comfortable with the style.

The other option is to protective style until your hair new healthy hair gets longer and then chop. The only style I can think of that won't stress your edges would be a half wig, if you remove the combs. You could try and find one that matches your hair or wear a headband.

You're hair sure doesn't look damaged. Have you tried castor oil on your ends? That may be able to help stop your splits from traveling up the shaft.
does it matter what type of castor oil, i really dont want to cut if i dont have to, i want to be apl by next december...6 inches from here...but i also want healthy hair. i hope my splits wont travel up and destroy the new hair growing out
i have some protein products..infusium 23, and aubrey's shampoo with protein in it, and some parnevu hair mayo, but i dont use them because my hair gets really rough and hard, and im not sure what to do with it when it's like that
i have some protein products..infusium 23, and aubrey's shampoo with protein in it, and some parnevu hair mayo, but i dont use them because my hair gets really rough and hard, and im not sure what to do with it when it's like that
Maybe you should try a protein conditioner like paul mitchell or aphogee :)
does it matter what type of castor oil, i really dont want to cut if i dont have to, i want to be apl by next december...6 inches from here...but i also want healthy hair. i hope my splits wont travel up and destroy the new hair growing out

I don't think it matters. I use the HomeHealth's in a clear bottle and the castor oil itself is kind of yellow in color. I get it from Whole Foods but I think they have it other places.

I've never had a split actually travel up my strands. The only time that happens is when I purposely pull the split apart to see how far it will go...and it never goes all the way up.

i have some protein products..infusium 23, and aubrey's shampoo with protein in it, and some parnevu hair mayo, but i dont use them because my hair gets really rough and hard, and im not sure what to do with it when it's like that

Hmmm...if your hair gets rough in hard it may not be good to add more protein. You should read Sistaslick's article on protein/moisture balance (the links are in her siggy). Also, in the favorite stickies thread there is another thread called "your hair's still breaking and you don't know what to do" or somethin like may help.

The fact is...if your hair has been processed several times over it may be impossible to save it. But, you may be able to hold onto while you wait for your hair to grow out, without causing too much damage to your new hair.
Hey girl.

When i first did my BC back in May of 06 I was did alot of experiments on my hair. I was blonde, then brown, then blonde, then black and then blonde again. That was crazy.

Hoesntly, you just have to let your hair chill. Sounds simple but was very hard for me. Go to a good stylist that can trim your hair in a cut shape. [I suggest you have them straighten it first before they trim because you get more of an even shape]

Then you just deep condition often and you will see alot of growth. I don't think you need to cut it completly off. I think you will be fine, you and your cute hair. =)
thankx alot, that's the conclusion i was starting to come to too, im so sad though, because i grew all that hair out and i have to start over, i wanted to be APL by graduation in two years, im not so sure if that's possible now....but, im going to BUMP for more suggestions...thanks

and oh yeah, i've checked out sistaslicks articles, her stuff is very informative, i think i may be in denial at the moment
Hey girl.

When i first did my BC back in May of 06 I was did alot of experiments on my hair. I was blonde, then brown, then blonde, then black and then blonde again. That was crazy.

Hoesntly, you just have to let your hair chill. Sounds simple but was very hard for me. Go to a good stylist that can trim your hair in a cut shape. [I suggest you have them straighten it first before they trim because you get more of an even shape]

Then you just deep condition often and you will see alot of growth. I don't think you need to cut it completly off. I think you will be fine, you and your cute hair. =)

thanks Rina...your hair's inspiring...two years huh?? (wishing..and praying)lol
hello to all, my hair has been through the fire and back again this year. During my pre-LHCF days I used to permanently dye my hair repeatedly, im talking three times in one week...depending on my impulsiveness and desire for a certain color. I know now the havoc i brought upon myself. For the past month or two i have been deep conditioning, using a natural moisturizing shampoo (elucence M.b.) and moisturizing and sealing, however, i cant seem to stop the breakage and shedding. I trimmed two inches off, but no luck. The splits are heading up the shaft. My question is what should i do with this? Im a little nervous about cutting my hair all off, but i know that that might be the best decision for me right now. I dont think i look too hot with a twa, but i also cant stand the breakage. Because i once repeatedly wore micros, my edges are thinned so getting braids or sew ins are out too because i really have to allow those edges to grow back in. I feel like im running out of options, and feel a tad bit lost at the moment. PLEASE HELP!

Here is a pic of my twa from month 3....i wouldnt mind going back to it if my fro wasnt so lopsided..i need a good shape.

sorry if the pic is soo big, here is my hair now, dont be decieved, it's parched and ragged, the slickness of the products makes it appear undamaged....

For shedding, try a coffee or tea rinse. The caffeine in these two items has been known to stop shedding, lookup the threads about it. I'd try this and whatever other suggestions you think apply to your hair type. boil some black tea (liptons is just fine) or coffee (let it cool). When you shampoo, pour it over your hair, making sure to get it to the roots. Wait for 15 minutes or so, then rinse out . Word of caution do it in the day, not at night as you'll be up for another two hours:lachen:

It works really well to stop shedding.
hi! i sent a few suggestions to you in a private message... i have literally used dyes so often that my hair has broken into pieces and fallen out. but i haven't done a big chop and i'm slowly cutting off the damage... hope my suggestions can help you out. if there is ONE thing i could recommend it would be FREQUENT hot oil treatments. your hair is beautiful. don't give up if you don't have to!
thanks Rina...your hair's inspiring...two years huh?? (wishing..and praying)lol

Girl, its funny because before I came to LHCF, I thought that my hair wasn't at the length it was suppose to be [2 years later] but I guess it is doing fine. maybe because I was around people whose hair grew way faster then mine I guess.

You can do it too. It is nothing. Alot of routine and PATIENCE. Its funny because I know it can be. Being patient is the hardest part. Hang in there girl and I am sure these lovely ladies will give you some great advice.:yep:
okay ladies, because im ready to kick start the new year with a new do..i really just ended up cutting my hair. My curls FEEL soo much better, and i sort felt of the main reasons why my hair was so damaged was because i wasnt used to doing natural short hair. I had to relearn what worked for me. Now that i have the basics though, i felt that it was too late, and hey, i still have two years til graduation, so i can still make APL..with patience and concentration. I gave myself the cut, it took about 2 hours to get it right...i didnt want a afro mullet this time around. With the new year approaching, im pretty excited about what 2009 will offer me and my hair. Thank you to all the ladies who written with advice and suggestions. It was very much are some pics.




sorry they're so big...i dont know how to resize
WOW, Kudos on your decision! It's super cute! I'm a "4B" and my hair loves castor oil but it's very heavy. Try that on your ends. If it's too heavy, try coconut oil or Vatika.
thank you...i'm really excited about how the next year is going to role out in growth, i def grew about 7-8 inches...i only had .5-1 inches to this time i plan to actually RETAIN that length!
thank you...i'm really excited about how the next year is going to role out in growth, i def grew about 7-8 inches...i only had .5-1 inches to this time i plan to actually RETAIN that length!

I completely understand. I went natural in 2004 but I had to perform a second BC in May 2008 and I was determined to do it right this time! I cut A LOT of hair but I felt good about my decision.

Again, your hair is super cute! :yep: Keep it healthy (moisture/protein balance) and it'll prosper!
i want to introduce OCT in the regime when i gets around 4 to five not sure what it is now, i dont want to obsess over the exact measurements right away
thank you ladies sooo much, i was VERY nervous about wearing it outside, but luckily my boyfriend talked me through it...he's such a sweetie!
have you tried pantene relaxed and natural breakage defense deep conditioner?
i hear it stops breakage in its tracks
Oh My; you are cute and your hair is cute. I like it. I am sorry you had a setback but it will grow longer and stronger.
I have fine hair that loves to split because of that I am a protein queen. I do a light protein Aphogee 1 time a week and then every six weeks I do a heavy Aphogee protein. My hair is never dry or hard, well never say never, but it's not an issue for me.

I co-wash a few times a week. Whenever my hair is getting frizzy and the curls need to be reset. So depending on what I do that week it could be 2-4 times. I always deep condition after protien, even the light 2 minute protien.

I would say, either chop off what is damaged or slowly trim it off and start a good protien regi to prevent further splitting.