Confused...please help!!!


I have very dry hair, and I have always been plagued by splits both mid-shaft and ends. During my lurking days I read threads about Kenra moisturizing shampoo and decided to give it a try. I am a life long PJ and this shampoo has, in my opinion, been the most moisturizing for my hair. The problem is that I am still plagued by splits. I've read other posts that state that sulfates in shampoos can cause this problem. Sulfates are listed in the ingredient list for Kenra. Am I actually doing more harm by using the product??

(I do know that coloring my hair can/does add to my moisture problem, but I do DC weekly.)
I think the sulfates are causing the damage. My hair is also color treated and I avoid sulfates like the plague b/c they do a number on my ends. You should try cowashing. If you really like the Kenra, only use it every 2 weeks or so to clarify and cowash in between. If you want to eliminate the sulfates completely, try doing a baking soda ACV rinse, or look for a sulfate free shampoo, like Dr. Bonner's Peppermint Shampoo, or (my fav) Nasabb's Teawyn Shampoo
You may need to DC more than once a week. I henna'd my hair and it was really dry afterward. I had to DC 3xs in one week for it to return to normal. I have also found that using avocado butter on my ends has helped a lot. I braid my hair and put the butter on the ends. Sleep with a shower cap so it doesn't get all over the place.