CONFUSED: Does moisturized hair means=damp/wet?


Active Member
I was wondering if anyone could help me shed some light on this. I just visited another hair board (a natural hair board, by the way) and this girl was saying that if hair is moisturized then this means the state that the hair is in, while moist=slightly damp hair.

I thought that the concepts were the same. But she was saying there is a slight difference. As long as I have been on hair boards I still am confused about this.

So I guess my question is can hair be moisturized without being damp or wet? And what does moisturized really mean?

I though this was the only way to get it moisturized, which in my head means soft. To get my hair moisturized or soft I use braid spray and an oil which keeps my hair soft for at least three days. If I don't use any products my hair will get hard and brittle.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

P.S (By the way I would have copied and pasted what she said but I don't know if it is okay to since it is from another hair board.)
My hair is very soft when its moisturized.... not really damp...but a lot softer than when its dry... also doesn't feel as rough.
When I moisterize with Headdress or Scurl, i saturate the hair. It doesnt frizz at all. When I wrap or braid it at night I wake up with slightly damp, soft, but straight hair (except for the braided parts which are damper and curly). Ive never moisturized with just water...wonder how it would turn out....
thanks you guys, but I am still confused on the defeniton itself. Like does moisturized hair have to be wet or damp or does it mean hair that is soft. Oh well, thanks anyway for your help. It was appreciated
To me, "moisturized hair" is hair that doesn't feel dry to the touch. It feels somewhat velvety and soft. I don't mean hair that is "wet", but hair that does NOT feel brittle, hard, like straw, etc.....even when you do NOT apply products to it. If I had to apply products to my hair to make it feel "soft" or "velvety", then I would not call my hair "moisturized". I would consider it to be DRY hair.

MY test for this is: If I let my hair air dry after shampoo/conditioning and it feels soft WITHOUT applying products, then my hair is moisturized. If I have to apply products to soften my hair, then it is dry.