Confused about hair...It just looks so different...


Well-Known Member
I'm newly natural. And i've noticed, that my hair looks different every time i take a picture of it :-( My texture has taken on a different role(atleast to my eyes:ohwell:) throughout my short HHJ.

This is how my hair texture looked a few months ago. I'm not sure if, it's maybe because i'm using different products now, or what. But my hair looks so different to me now. Can someone tell me why??

My Regimen has changed Significantly. Down from the way i eat, to the products I use.

And while we're at it, whats my hair type??

This is a picture of my hair when I was newly natural


This is a picture of my hair brushed out


This is a picture I took this morning after DC all night and air drying.


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there is a looong thread on naturallycurly with people showing how DRASTIC their hair changed when using the curly girl method

products and different methods will effect how your curls clump reduced frizz not brushing etc especially curly hair

moisture is what defines curls this isnt me saying that 4b hair will go to a 2a with a deep condition NO.....but keeping your hair moisturized from within the hair strand itself will have a effect on the outward appearance of your curls
May just be that your hair is properly moisturized now.
Even though I kept my hair pretty balanced in terms of protein and moisture while transitioning, my hair right after I BC'ed didn't look the same after about a month. They were looser and at the same time more defined and started to hang. I don't think I really changed anything at the time besides using more natural products, a steamer, and overnight DCs. Before overnight DCs, I would leave on my condish for maybe an hour or two. But now it's usually 6-9 hours at least. So I think that's what made the difference. I don't use the steamer anymore, but I think getting your hair up to its full potential in terms of moisture can definitely change it some.
It just looks like you have learned more about you hair and have adjusted how you care for it. Looks like what you are doing now is something your hair is loving
That's the nature of hair that is coily. It can look different depending on what you do to it. When the hair is well moisturized, and if not combed out, it'll curl back into coils. When you brush it or comb it when almost dry or dry or if you braid it or twist it or stretch it in some way, it will look like your middle pics look. Then as someone else said, products can make a difference too. The first pic is an in-between of the other two looks, but it isn' unusual at all.

Here are images of coily hair doing the same thing you're seeing in your hair:
All of you make so much sense. And it's nice to hear you guys say these things, because i was unsure of myself.

While transitioning, I didn't take care of my hair properly in the beginning, so I do think my hair has did a completely change since i'm now actually caring for it properly. The last time I tried to transition didn't go anything at all like this. So i'm just shocked I suppose. Hopefully my hair grows as you see it was thinning from relaxers so i just decided to stick to going natural this time. And I don't regret it at all!!
You may notice that your curls will definitely get better defined as the relaxer grows out and your improve the moisture to your hair.

For a while I had several textures in my hair which has gradually given way to nearly all one texture.
I chopped a section of my hair and it appeared to have little wave or curl pattern at all and after a few washes it now curls.
Adequate moisture cam plump out your hair. Stick to what your doing, you seem to be on the right path.

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Hey- we share the same "last relaxer" month! :)

What specific changes have you made to your regimen since the start of your HHJ?

bride91501 Yay!! I see you are well ahead of me, I just recently began taking care of my hair. I don't think I really meant for that to be my last relaxer. But thats how it ended up turning out!! I'm glad though!! What I've changed...

Prior Regimen
Basic Wash and Condition with whatever was lying around (didn't really care about what type of products i used)


(And I only started this within the last two or three months)

I Henna'd and did and indigo treatment before my current install. I use Rose Water/ Aloe Vera Juice Mix to add moisture to my hair. Along with Jane Carter revitalizing leave in (sometimes).

When I was wearing my little afro (for about two weeks) I was using KCNT as my leave-in. My hair loved it I think.

I Use Mixed Chicks Deep Conditioner and at times Silicon Mix Deep Conditioner.

Whats truly turned my hair around after one use, was Ojon Hair Treatment. I LOVE THIS STUFF.
bride91501 Yep. Silicon Mix is a Dominican Product. I usually use JBCO to seal :-) My hair seems to be loving it!!

Whats your regimen?? Your hair steems to be growing like crazy!! You've already inspired me :-) @ your sig.